

Bert.cpp has been integrated into llama.cpp! See https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/5423 and the discussions

Updated forks: iamlemec/bert.cpp xyzhang626/embeddings.cpp


ggml inference of BERT neural net architecture with pooling and normalization from SentenceTransformers (sbert.net). High quality sentence embeddings in pure C++ (with C API).


The main goal of bert.cpp is to run the BERT model using 4-bit integer quantization on CPU

Limitations & TODO


Checkout the ggml submodule

git submodule update --init --recursive

Download models

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# python3 models/download-ggml.py list_models
python3 models/download-ggml.py download all-MiniLM-L6-v2 q4_0


To build the dynamic library for usage from e.g. Python:

mkdir build
cd build
cd ..

To build the native binaries, like the example server, with static libraries, run:

mkdir build
cd build
cd ..

Run the python dynamic library example

python3 examples/sample_dylib.py models/all-MiniLM-L6-v2/ggml-model-f16.bin

# bert_load_from_file: loading model from '../models/all-MiniLM-L6-v2/ggml-model-f16.bin' - please wait ...
# bert_load_from_file: n_vocab = 30522
# bert_load_from_file: n_max_tokens   = 512
# bert_load_from_file: n_embd  = 384
# bert_load_from_file: n_intermediate  = 1536
# bert_load_from_file: n_head  = 12
# bert_load_from_file: n_layer = 6
# bert_load_from_file: f16     = 1
# bert_load_from_file: ggml ctx size =  43.12 MB
# bert_load_from_file: ............ done
# bert_load_from_file: model size =    43.10 MB / num tensors = 101
# bert_load_from_file: mem_per_token 450 KB
# Loading texts from sample_client_texts.txt...
# Loaded 1738 lines.
# Starting with a test query "Should I get health insurance?"
# Closest texts:
# 1. Can I sign up for Medicare Part B if I am working and have health insurance through an employer?
#  (similarity score: 0.4790)
# 2. Will my Medicare premiums be higher because of my higher income?
#  (similarity score: 0.4633)
# 3. Should I sign up for Medicare Part B if I have Veterans' Benefits?
#  (similarity score: 0.4208)
# Enter a text to find similar texts (enter 'q' to quit): poaching
# Closest texts:
# 1. The exotic animal trade is enormous , and it continues to spiral out of control .
#  (similarity score: 0.2825)
# 2. " PeopleSoft management entrenchment tactics continue to destroy the value of the company for its shareholders , " said Deborah Lilienthal , an Oracle spokeswoman .
#  (similarity score: 0.2709)
# 3. " I 've stopped looters , run political parties out of abandoned buildings , caught people with large amounts of cash and weapons , " Williams said .
#  (similarity score: 0.2672)

Start sample server

./build/bin/server -m models/all-MiniLM-L6-v2/ggml-model-q4_0.bin --port 8085

# bert_model_load: loading model from 'models/all-MiniLM-L6-v2/ggml-model-q4_0.bin' - please wait ...
# bert_model_load: n_vocab = 30522
# bert_model_load: n_ctx   = 512
# bert_model_load: n_embd  = 384
# bert_model_load: n_intermediate  = 1536
# bert_model_load: n_head  = 12
# bert_model_load: n_layer = 6
# bert_model_load: f16     = 2
# bert_model_load: ggml ctx size =  13.57 MB
# bert_model_load: ............ done
# bert_model_load: model size =    13.55 MB / num tensors = 101
# Server running on port 8085 with 4 threads
# Waiting for a client

Run sample client

python3 examples/sample_client.py 8085
# Loading texts from sample_client_texts.txt...
# Loaded 1738 lines.
# Starting with a test query "Should I get health insurance?"
# Closest texts:
# 1. Will my Medicare premiums be higher because of my higher income?
#  (similarity score: 0.4844)
# 2. Can I sign up for Medicare Part B if I am working and have health insurance through an employer?
#  (similarity score: 0.4575)
# 3. Should I sign up for Medicare Part B if I have Veterans' Benefits?
#  (similarity score: 0.4052)
# Enter a text to find similar texts (enter 'q' to quit): expensive
# Closest texts:
# 1. It is priced at $ 5,995 for an unlimited number of users tapping into the single processor , or $ 195 per user with a minimum of five users .
#  (similarity score: 0.4597)
# 2. The new system costs between $ 1.1 million and $ 22 million , depending on configuration .
#  (similarity score: 0.4547)
# 3. Each hull will cost about $ 1.4 billion , with each fully outfitted submarine costing about $ 2.2 billion , Young said .
#  (similarity score: 0.4078)

Converting models to ggml format

Converting models is similar to llama.cpp. Use models/convert-to-ggml.py to make hf models into either f32 or f16 ggml models. Then use ./build/bin/quantize to turn those into Q4_0, 4bit per weight models.

There is also models/run_conversions.sh which creates all 4 versions (f32, f16, Q4_0, Q4_1) at once.

cd models
# Clone a model from hf
git clone https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1
# Run conversions to 4 ggml formats (f32, f16, Q4_0, Q4_1)
sh run_conversions.sh multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1


Running MTEB (Massive Text Embedding Benchmark) with bert.cpp vs. sbert(cpu mode) gives comparable results between the two, with quantization having minimal effect on accuracy and eval time being similar or better than sbert with batch_size=1 (bert.cpp doesn't support batching).

See benchmarks more info.


Data TypeSTSBenchmarkeval timeEmotionClassificationeval time


Data TypeSTSBenchmarkeval timeEmotionClassificationeval time


bert-base-uncased is not a very good sentence embeddings model, but it's here to show that bert.cpp correctly runs models that are not from SentenceTransformers. Technically any hf model with architecture BertModel or BertForMaskedLM should work.

Data TypeSTSBenchmarkeval timeEmotionClassificationeval time