8-bit Xor Filter
This is a C99 implementation of an 8-bit xor filter. It has a fixed error rate of 1/256 (~0.39%) and uses ~9.84 bits of storage per element. See Xor Filters: Faster and Smaller Than Bloom Filters.
Memory Usage
By default only up to 2^32 elements are supported, which will require
123GB of memory to process. Much larger sets are supported by using
at compile time, at the cost of roughly doubling memory
usage. For example, that same set of 2^32 elements will then require a
total of 211GB of memory to process.
Despite the library's name, the error rate can be reduced to 1/65,536
(~0.0015%) by using -DXF8_BITS=16
at compile time. This doubles the
size of the filter to ~19.68 bits per element.
The example program (tests/example.c
) is a probabilistic spell checker:
$ make
$ tests/example </usr/share/dict/words >spelling.db
$ printf 'hello\nfoobarbaz' | tests/example spelling.db
Y hello
N foobarbaz