



ZstdNet is a wrapper of Zstd native library for .NET languages. It has the following features:

Take a look on a library reference or unit tests to explore its behavior in different situations.


Zstd, short for Zstandard, is a fast lossless compression algorithm, which provides both good compression ratio and speed for your standard compression needs. "Standard" translates into everyday situations which neither look for highest possible ratio (which LZMA and ZPAQ cover) nor extreme speeds (which LZ4 covers). Zstandard is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License.

Zstd is initially developed by Yann Collet and the source is available at: https://github.com/facebook/zstd

The motivation to develop of the algorithm, ways of use and its properties are explained in the blog that introduces the library: http://fastcompression.blogspot.com/2015/01/zstd-stronger-compression-algorithm.html

The benefits of the dictionary mode are described here: http://fastcompression.blogspot.ru/2016/02/compressing-small-data.html



ZstdNet requires libzstd >= v1.4.0. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported. The corresponding DLLs are included in this repository cross-compiled using (i686|x86_64)-w64-mingw32-gcc -DZSTD_MULTITHREAD -DZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT=0 -pthread -s. Note that ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT=0 means "do not support legacy formats" to minimize the binary size.


The wrapper throws ZstdException in case of malformed data or an error inside libzstd. If the given destination buffer is too small, ZstdException with ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall error code is thrown away. Check zstd_errors.h for more info.

Compressor class

Block compression implementation. Instances of this class are not thread-safe. Consider using ThreadStatic or pool of compressors for bulk processing.

CompressionStream class

Implementation of streaming compression. The stream is write-only.

CompressionOptions class

Stores compression options and "digested" (for compression) information from a compression dictionary, if present. Instances of this class are thread-safe. They can be shared across threads to avoid performance and memory overhead.

Decompressor class

Block decompression implementation. Instances of this class are not thread-safe. Consider using ThreadStatic or pool of decompressors for bulk processing.

DecompressionStream class

Implementation of streaming decompression. The stream is read-only.

DecompressionOptions class

Stores decompression options and "digested" (for decompression) information from a compression dictionary, if present. Instances of this class are thread-safe. They can be shared across threads to avoid performance and memory overhead.

DictBuilder static class

Wrapper Authors

Copyright (c) 2016-present SKB Kontur

ZstdNet is distributed under BSD 3-Clause License.