

SceneCAD (ECCV 2020)

We digitize 3D scans by jointly estimating scene layout and predicting CAD model alignments

<img src="github-pics/teaser.jpg" alt="SceneCAD" width="100%" >

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Get the SceneCAD layout dataset here!

Please cite our work when using our dataset :)


We introduce a new richly-annotated real-world scene layout dataset con-sisting of 1151 CAD shells and wireframes on top of the ScanNet RGB-Ddataset, allowing large-scale data-driven training for layout estimation.

For the public dataset, we provide annotations with:

Our annotations are:

Lightweight Layout Prediction Method

<img src="github-pics/corner_heatmaps.jpg" alt="Corner Heatmaps" width="100%" >

Pytorch code coming soon!

Sample Annotations

<img src="github-pics/scannet_samples.jpg" alt="Corner Heatmaps" width="100%" >


If you use this dataset or code please cite:

    title={SceneCAD: Predicting Object Alignments and Layouts in RGB-D Scans},
    author={Armen Avetisyan and Tatiana Khanova and Christopher Choy and Denver Dash and Angela Dai and Matthias Nießner},
    booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},