


Compile-time, Usermode + Kernelmode, safe and lightweight string crypter library for C++11+

What is the problem?

#1 Strings

#2 Some crypters

Why this crypter?

skCrypter works out of the box with both Usermode + Kernelmode and compiler optimizations on/off (tested with msvsc++19). The overhead is very low and the storage of the string is at a fixed address which is controlable at every time and clearable traceless(builtin function). The encryption is randomized at every compilation and protected against default bruteforcing.


Include skCrypter.h

auto testString = skCrypt(L"TestString");	// encrypted at compile-time
						// or skCrypt_key to set the keys manually

wprintf(testString);                            // automatic decryption on usage (alternatively .decrypt())

testString.encrypt();	                        // encrypt after usage if needed again
                                            // or                   
testString.clear();	                        // set full string storage to 0
