

DevOps and IT Cheat-Sheet Collection

Welcome to the Cheat-Sheet Collection for DevOps, Engineers, IT professionals, and more! This repository contains a curated list of cheat sheets for various tools and technologies commonly used in the software development and IT industry.

Cheat Sheet

:scroll: Rules

Before diving into the cheat sheets, please keep these essential rules in mind:

:pushpin: Index of Cheat-Sheets

  1. Nginx :whale:
  2. Docker :whale:
  3. Ansible :hammer_and_wrench:
  4. Python :snake:
  5. Go (Golang) :racehorse:
  6. Git :octocat:
  7. Regular Expressions (Regex) :mag:
  8. PowerShell :electric_plug:
  9. VIM :keyboard:
  10. Jenkins :construction_worker:
  11. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) :repeat:
  12. Kubernetes :ship:
  13. Linux :penguin:
  14. Redis :floppy_disk:
  15. Slack :speech_balloon:
  16. Puppet 🐕
  17. Google Cloud Developer :cloud:
  18. AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Science :robot:
  19. PostgreSQL :elephant:
  20. Ajax :arrows_counterclockwise:
  21. Amazon Web Services (AWS) :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
  22. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) :building_construction:
  23. System Design :gear:
  24. Cyber Security :lock:

Nginx :whale:

Docker :whale:

Ansible :hammer_and_wrench:

Python :snake:

Go (Golang) :racehorse:

Git :octocat:

Regular Expressions (Regex) :mag:

PowerShell :electric_plug:

VIM :keyboard:

Jenkins :construction_worker:

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) :repeat:

Kubernetes :ship:

Linux :penguin:

Redis :floppy_disk:

Slack :speech_balloon:

Puppet 🐕

Google Cloud Developer :cloud:

AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Data Science :robot:

PostgreSQL :elephant:

Ajax :arrows_counterclockwise:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) :building_construction:

System Design :gear:

Cyber Security :lock:

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Thank you for using our cheat sheet collection! Happy coding! :rocket: