

description: >- This book contains a bunch of info, scripts and knowledge used during my pentests.


Thanks to visit this site, please consider enhance this book with some awesome tools or techniques you know, you can contact me by Telegram(@six2dez), Twitter(@six2dez1) or Discord(six2dez#8201), GitHub pull request is welcomed too ;) Hack 'em all

Usage: Just use the search bar at the upper or navigate through the sections of the left zone. Enjoy it :blush:

Don't you know where to go now? Let me introduce you to some of the most popular pages on this wiki:

Important note: I use this wiki daily for my work and I am constantly updating it. I'm very sorry if a link to a page changes or I move it, if you need something you are free to contact me.

You can support this work buying me a coffee:

{% embed url="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/six2dez" %}

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time