


A node.js client for Etsy's StatsD server.

This client will let you fire stats at your StatsD server from a node.js application.

node-statsd Runs and is tested on Node 0.6+ on all *nix platforms and 0.8+ on all platforms including Windows.

Build Status


$ npm install node-statsd


All initialization parameters are optional.

Parameters (specified as an options hash):

All StatsD methods have the same API:

If an array is specified as the name parameter each item in that array will be sent along with the specified value.

  var StatsD = require('node-statsd'),
      client = new StatsD();

  // Timing: sends a timing command with the specified milliseconds
  client.timing('response_time', 42);

  // Increment: Increments a stat by a value (default is 1)

  // Decrement: Decrements a stat by a value (default is -1)

  // Histogram: send data for histogram stat
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42);

  // Gauge: Gauge a stat by a specified amount
  client.gauge('my_gauge', 123.45);

  // Set: Counts unique occurrences of a stat (alias of unique)
  client.set('my_unique', 'foobar');
  client.unique('my_unique', 'foobarbaz');

  // Incrementing multiple items
  client.increment(['these', 'are', 'different', 'stats']);

  // Sampling, this will sample 25% of the time the StatsD Daemon will compensate for sampling
  client.increment('my_counter', 1, 0.25);

  // Tags, this will add user-defined tags to the data
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, ['foo', 'bar']);

  // Using the callback
  client.set(['foo', 'bar'], 42, function(error, bytes){
    //this only gets called once after all messages have been sent
      console.error('Oh noes! There was an error:', error);
    } else {
      console.log('Successfully sent', bytes, 'bytes');

  // Sampling, tags and callback are optional and could be used in any combination
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25); // 25% Sample Rate
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, ['tag']); // User-defined tag
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, next); // Callback
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25, ['tag']);
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25, next);
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, ['tag'], next);
  client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25, ['tag'], next);


In the event that there is a socket error, node-statsd will allow this error to bubble up. If you would like to catch the errors, just attach a listener to the socket property on the instance.

client.socket.on('error', function(error) {
  return console.error("Error in socket: ", error);

If you want to catch errors in sending a message then use the callback provided.


node-statsd is licensed under the MIT license.