


You need to create a simple counter application that can do the following:

We have provided:

If you need other publicly available files, other than index.html, app.js, app.css you will have to modify the server code in /index.js

Some other notes:

A possible layout could be:

         Counter App
| Input                   [+] |
| [x] Bob           [-] 5 [+] |
| [x] Steve         [-] 1 [+] |
| [x] Pat           [-] 4 [+] |
| Total                    10 |

Install and start the server

$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm run build #[optional] use for any precompilers you choose

API endpoints / examples

The following endpoints are expecting a Content-Type: application/json

GET /api/v1/counters
# []

POST {title: "bob"} /api/v1/counter
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 0}
# ]

POST {title: "steve"} /api/v1/counter
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 0},
#   {id: "qwer", title: "steve", count: 0}
# ]

POST {id: "asdf"} /api/v1/counter/inc
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1},
#   {id: "qwer", title: "steve", count: 0}
# ]

POST {id: "qwer"} /api/v1/counter/dec
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1},
#   {id: "qwer", title: "steve", count: -1}
# ]

DELETE {id: "qwer"} /api/v1/counter
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1}
# ]

GET /api/v1/counters
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1},
# ]

*NOTE: Each request returns the current state of all counters.