

[ARCHIVED] Julia Formatter Extension

Build Status


The latest (1.5.0+) julia-vscode plugin already supports JuliaFormatter.jl as its default formatter. This plugin will be deprecated. If you want to continue using some of its features, have a look at 0h7z/vscode-julia-format.


This is a Julia language formatter using the JuliaFormatter.jl package. The Julia extension uses the DocumentFormat package. They differ by some decisions.


  1. The Julia executable >= 1.0

  2. Though this extension will try to install it, we still recommend that you install JuliaFormatter.jl before installing this extension. To do this, open the REPL and type

    ]add JuliaFormatter

    It is better to install the latest version of JuliaFormatter, since some settings require that.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

For more detailed explanation of these settings, please go to its official docs.


It is recommended to use this extension with the Format in context menus extension (not an ad!). It allows formatting multiple files at a time.

If you want to use this extension instead of the Julia extension to format your file, you may want to put

"[julia]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "singularitti.vscode-julia-formatter"

in the editor's settings.json.

Release Notes

See CHANGELOG.md for release notes.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Python Docstring Formatter Extension which has significantly inspired the development of this extension.

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