


ICLR 2022

This is the official source code for SLATE. More details in the paper and on the project page.

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zZakWWD.gif" height="128px"> </img>

In this repository, we provide an implementation of the model, the training code and a dataset loader for the 3D Shapes dataset. This code is implemented in Pytorch.


The current release provides code to train the model on the 3D Shapes dataset. The dataset class is provided in shapes_3d.py. You can edit or replace this class if you need to run the code on a different dataset. The 3D Shapes dataset can be downloaded from the official URL. This should produce a dataset file 3dshapes.h5. During training, the path to this dataset file needs to be provided using the argument --data_path.


To train the model, simply execute:

python train.py

Check train.py to see the full list of training arguments.


The training code produces Tensorboard logs. To see these logs, run Tensorboard on the logging directory that was provided in the training argument --log_path. These logs contain the training loss curves and visualizations of reconstructions and object attention maps.

Hyperparameters of Interest

Code Files

This repository provides the following files.


      title={Illiterate DALL-E Learns to Compose},
      author={Gautam Singh and Fei Deng and Sungjin Ahn},
      booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},