


Wrapper for the Windows tasklist command. Returns a list of apps and services with their Process ID (PID) for all tasks running on either a local or a remote computer.

Cleans up and normalizes the data.


$ npm install tasklist


import {tasklist} from 'tasklist';

console.log(await tasklist());
		imageName: 'taskhostex.exe',
		pid: 1820,
		sessionName: 'Console',
		sessionNumber: 1,
		memUsage: 4415488


See the tasklist docs for more.


Returns a Promise<object[]> that contains the normalized results of the command output.

Examples for options below will use this interface, but you can check tasklist.stream below for usage of the stream interface.


Returns a stream.Readable that returns the resulting lines, normalized, one-by-one.

Options are the same as the Promise interface.

import {tasklistStream} from 'tasklist';

tasklistStream({verbose: true}).pipe(process.stdout);
    imageName: 'taskhostex.exe',
    pid: 1820,
    sessionName: 'Console',
    sessionNumber: 1,
    memUsage: 4415488,
    status: 'Running',
    username: 'SINDRESORHU3930\\sindre'
    cpuTime: 0,
    windowTitle: 'Task Host Window'


Type: object



Type: boolean
Default: false

Return verbose results.

Without the verbose and apps option, tasklist returns tasks with the following properties:

With the verbose option set to true but the apps option still set to false, it additionally returns the following properties:

Note: It's not guaranteed that the username and windowTitle properties are returned with proper values. If they are not available, 'N/A' may be returned on English systems. In contrast, 'Nicht zutreffend' may be returned on German systems, for example.

Verbose example:

import {tasklist} from 'tasklist';

console.log(await tasklist({verbose: true}));
		imageName: 'taskhostex.exe',
        pid: 1820,
        sessionName: 'Console',
        sessionNumber: 1,
        memUsage: 4415488,
        status: 'Running',
        username: 'SINDRESORHU3930\\sindre'
        cpuTime: 0,
        windowTitle: 'Task Host Window'

Warning: Using the verbose option may have a considerable performance impact (See: #6).


Type: string

Name or IP address of a remote computer (don't use backslashes). The default is the local computer.


Type: string
Example: 'SINDRESORHU3930\\sindre'

User specified by User or Domain\User. The default is the permissions of the current logged on user on the computer issuing the command.


Type: string

Password of the user account for the specified username.


Type: string[]

Specify the types of processes to include or exclude. More info.


Type: boolean

Displays store apps. Without the verbose option, the command returns the following data:

import {tasklist} from 'tasklist';

console.log(await tasklist({apps: true}));
		imageName: 'SearchUI.exe (CortanaUI)',
        pid: 1820,
        memUsage: 4415488,
        packageName: 'Microsoft.Windows.Cortana'

With the verbose option set to true, the command additionally returns the following data:

Note: It's not guaranteed that the username and windowTitle properties are returned with proper values. If they are not available, 'N/A' may be returned on English systems. In contrast, 'Nicht zutreffend' may be returned on German systems, for example.

Verbose example:

import {tasklist} from 'tasklist';

console.log(await tasklist({apps: true, verbose: true}));
		imageName: 'SearchUI.exe (CortanaUI)',
        pid: 1820,
        sessionName: 'Console',
        sessionNumber: 1,
        memUsage: 4415488,
        status: 'Running',
        username: 'SINDRESORHU3930\\sindre'
        cpuTime: 0,
        windowTitle: 'N/A',
        packageName: 'Microsoft.Windows.Cortana'

Type: string

List all tasks using the given DLL module name. If an empty string is given, it will list all tasks with the used DLL modules.

Note: You can't use the verbose option with this option set.

import {tasklist} from 'tasklist';

console.log(await tasklist({modules: 'wmiutils.dll'}));
	imageName: 'chrome.exe',
    pid: 1820,
    modules: ['wmiutils.dll']
}, …]

Type: boolean

Displays services hosted in each process. Note: You can't use the verbose option with this option set.

import {tasklist} from 'tasklist';

console.log(await tasklist({services: true}));
	imageName: 'lsass.exe',
    pid: 856,
    services: ['KeyIso', 'SamSs', 'VaultSvc']
}, …]

