


Alfred workflow to search for npm packages with npms.io

npms.io is a great npm package search with deep analysis of package quality using a myriad of metrics. Much better than the official npmjs.com search.

<img src="media/screenshot.png" width="694" height="440">


npm install --global alfred-npms

Requires Node.js 14+ and the Alfred Powerpack.


In Alfred, type npm, <kbd>Enter</kbd>, and your query, to search for packages.

Select a package and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to go to its GitHub repo.<br> Hold <kbd>Alt</kbd> when pressing <kbd>Enter</kbd> to go to its npm page.<br> Hold <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> when pressing <kbd>Enter</kbd> to copy the package name to the clipboard.<br> Press <kbd>Command</kbd> to display additional information.<br> Press <kbd>Shift</kbd> to view its readme in Quick Look.

The search is made with boost-exact:false by default. You may pass any npms.io operators.

<img src="media/screenshot2.png" width="694" height="440">
