


PyPI Changelog License

An ASGI function for proxying to a backend over HTTP

⚠️ Warning: this is an early alpha.


Install this library using pip:

pip install asgi-proxy-lib


This library provides a single ASGI function called asgi_proxy. You can use it like this:

from asgi_proxy import asgi_proxy

app = asgi_proxy("https://datasette.io")

Now app is an ASGI application that will proxy all incoming HTTP requests to the equivalent URL on https://datasette.io.

The function takes an optional second argument, log= - set this to a Python logger, or any object that has .info(msg) and .error(msg) methods, and the proxy will log information about each request it proxies.

It also takes a timeout= option, which defaults to None for no timeout. This can be set to a floating point value in seconds to enforce a timeout on requests that are being proxied.

CLI tool

You can try this module out like so:

python -m asgi_proxy https://datasette.io

You may need to pip install uvicorn first for this to work.

This will start a server on port 8000 that proxies to https://datasette.io.

Add -p PORT to specify a different port, --timeout 3 to set a timeout, --verbose to see debug logging, and --host to listen on a different host (the default is


To contribute to this library, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd asgi-proxy-lib
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:
