

Tcl Ada SHell

Tcl Ada SHell (Tash) is an Ada binding to Tcl/Tk.

Its purpose is to


The software is released under the GPL Version 2, with the following additional permission:

As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.

Skinny Tcl Binding

TASH includes both skinny and medium bindings to Tcl. The skinny binding is a direct translation of the public Tcl interface, tcl.h. It is implemented in the Ada package Tcl. It includes all the definitions in tcl.h, both functions and data types. All data types are implemented with Ada equivalents from Interfaces.C. All functions take C data types and use return codes for status information.

Medium Tcl Binding

In addition to the skinny binding, TASH provides a medium binding to Tcl. This binding replaces C data types with Ada types (e.g. String is used in place of Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr), uses exceptions in place of return codes and uses generic packages to implement Tcl clientdata types.

The TASHELL Interpreter

The Tcl distribution includes a Tcl shell interpreter, named tclsh. The TASH binding derives its name from the Ada version of the Tcl shell interpreter: Tcl Ada SHell. Just like tclsh, tashell reads and interprets a Tcl script. It is also a good starting point for building a custom Tcl interpreter in which new Tcl commands are implemented in Ada rather than C.

An early paper describing the rationale of the design of TASH is available in several different formats in the docs directory.

Skinny Tk Binding

TASH includes both skinny and medium bindings to Tk. The skinny binding is a direct translation of the public Tk interface, tk.h, and is implemented in the Ada package, Tcl.Tk.

Medium Tk Binding

An early, experimental medium binding to Tk is provided in the Ada package, Tcl.Tk.Ada. This binding does not yet support all Tk widgets.

The TWASHELL Interpreter

twashell is the Tcl Windowing Ada SHell. It is the Ada version of the Tcl/Tk wish program. Just like wish, it reads and interprets a Tcl/Tk script. It is also a starting point for building a custom Tcl/Tk interpreter in which new Tcl/Tk commands are implemented in Ada rather than C.

An early paper describing how twashell is a Platform-Independent toolkit for development of Graphical User Interfaces is available in several different formats in the docs directory.

Unsupported features

The original TASH included a 'new thick binding'. Unfortunately, this is not supportable in Tcl/Tk 8.5 and later, because it relies on what is now the private implementation of commands such as file, list.

The thick binding will be built if TASH is installed over Tcl/Tk 8.4 or earlier. However, it will be as well not to rely on its continued availability (for example, Mac OS X Leopard had Tcl/Tk 8.4, but Snow Leopard has 8.5).

The GUI developer RAPID does not depend on these unsupported features.



You need an Ada compiler. The instructions here are based on GNAT, though other compilers have been used and there is nothing GNAT-specific about TASH (there are GNAT-isms in the build support files).

You need gprbuild; many GNAT packages provide it by default, but it's a separate package under Debian.

You also need Tcl/Tk with working tclsh and wish. On macOS, you may need to use ActiveState's Community Edition (Apple may cease Tcl/Tk support after Catalina).

On Unix systems, this should be all, aside from the usual development environment (bash/sh, make etc).

On Windows systems, you can get the development environment using Cygwin. Cygwin includes a Tcl/Tk implementation, but unfortunately it may not be compatible with GNAT (in the early 2000's, there was a .dll clash). We recommend that you use ActiveState's Community Edition, and these instructions are written assuming that. We also recommend that you install at C:\Tcl or C:\ActiveTcl rather than at C:\Program Files\Tcl, to avoid problems with path names with spaces later on.

Extract TASH

Choose a place to build TASH. If you're not using GNAT GPL or FSF GCC, this should be the place you intend to use it from, perhaps your HOME directory. Assuming this is your home directory, go there and extract the downloaded TASH archive by (for the 20200802 release)

$ unzip $downloads/tcladashell-Rel_20200802.zip


$ tar zxvf $downloads/tcladashell-Rel_20200802.tar.gz

and then enter the source directory:

$ cd tcladashell-Rel_20200802


On Unix

If you're running a Unix system, make sure you have the version of GNAT you wish to use at the beginning of your PATH (this is in case you have a clever script like gnatfe in /usr/local/bin, which will confuse make install).

On Windows

If you're running on Windows, you'll need to set up Cygwin so that GNAT and ActiveState Tcl/Tk are first on your path in Cygwin (which puts /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin before your Windows path). One way of doing this is to add the following line at the end of ~/.bash_profile:


(assuming that you've got ActiveState Tcl/Tk installed at C:\Tcl and GNAT at C:\GNAT\2020).


It's important that the C compiler used to compile glue files is compatible with your Ada compiler; one way of achieving this (if you're using GNAT; note, these instructions assume that's the case) is to make sure that GNAT's gcc is first on your path.

If you're happy to accept default settings, there's nothing more; make creates default makeconf and tash_options.gpr using setup.tcl --nogui. If not, open up a shell window at the extracted TASH and say

$ ./setup.tcl

In either case, the script sets values for several makefile macros used to customize your TASH build.

In most cases, the default values will be OK. If not, either edit the generated files or run setup.tcl interactively and type in the correct values; press the Save button to create the tash_options.gpr and makeconf files.


That done, run

$ make all

This will compile the necessary C glue files and build the TASH library statically (libtash.a) or relocatably (libtash.so, libtash.dll or libtash.dylib) with .ali files in lib-static/ or lib-relocatable/ respectively, and the corresponding Ada source files in src/ (still) and include-relocatable/.

Run tests


$ make test

This runs several test programs in the test/, demos/ and, with Tcl/Tk 8.4, apps/ directories.

Using TASH

If you're using a GNAT-based compiler, it's strongly recommended that you use the GNAT Project feature.

Using in-place

After the make all stage, you can use TASH where it was built with any GNAT-based compiler.

Make sure that the TASH distribution directory is on your ADA_PROJECT_PATH, by e.g.

$ export ADA_PROJECT_PATH=~/tcladashell-Rel_20200802:$ADA_PROJECT_PATH

Your GPR should include TASH:

with "tash";

Installing with the compiler

If you're using FSF GCC or GNAT GPL, the best way is to install TASH alongside your compiler.

The remaining instructions assume use on a Unix machine, or Cygwin if on Windows.

Having run make all as above,

$ make install

(you may need to do this as root on Unix systems).