

Scripted Testing


To set the scene, the Ada software under test (SUT) forms part of a system. Generally, the system will be constructed using a layered approach, and the other parts of the system that interact with the SUT are higher-level (which can call interface subprograms presented by the SUT) or lower-level (whose interfaces can be called by the SUT, or which can provide callbacks to the SUT).

This package is intended for testing at a level between unit testing (using, for example, AUnit - go to the More packages, platforms, versions and sources link at the bottom of the page, and then to the Sources link at the bottom of that page) and integration testing (using real hardware). Unit testing tends to be fragile, requiring a lot of rework for even minor functional changes in the requirements.

The scripting language supported is Tcl, and specifically the Ada binding TclAdaShell. The reason for choosing Tcl rather than Python or Lua is that Tcl's interface is entirely string-based; this is important, considering the need to specify values of enumerated types.

The package provides facilities to write new commands in Tcl to

It's assumed that the interface subprograms of the lower-level subsystems are stubbed so that:

The stubbing facilities of ColdFrame meet the above requirements.


The components of the package are Commands, Actions, and an Action Queue.


A Command implements a Tcl command.

It creates an Action to be executed at run time, and posts it on the Action Queue.

<a href="#provided-commands">Some commands</a> are provided by this package. Other commands are to be provided to support the specific application to be tested: typically, <tt>call_<i>procedure</i> <i>param1</i> <i>param2</i> ...</tt> (where the parameters are those required by procedure) and <tt>check_<i>subprogram</i> <i>parameter</i> <i>value</i></tt> (to check the value passed to procedure in parameter on the last call).

<!-- XXX do they need to know all this? -->

Commands have to be Registered with this package, because once Tcl has been started (using Start, which doesn't return) no more Commands can be added. Registration would normally be done during elaboration of the package in which the Command is defined (see test/test-first.adb).


An Action carries the data required to enact the command at run time.

When it is executed, it performs the required action.

Action Queue

When the Action Queue is started (using the go command), it repeatedly picks the next Action and executes it, until either the end of the queue is reached (which implies that the script has succeeded) or an exception is propagated (which implies that the script has failed).

<a name="provided-commands">Provided commands</a>

The commands provided by this package are

<dl> <dt><tt>echo "<i>string</i>"</tt> <dd>outputs <tt><i>string</i></tt> to the terminal at run time. Useful to report the script's progress. <dt><tt>wait <i>duration</i></tt> <dd>delays for <tt><i>duration</i></tt>. <dt><tt>mark <i>name</i></tt> <dd>notes the time at which the command was executed. <dt><tt>wait_from_mark <i>name</i> <i>duration</i></tt> <dd>delays until <tt><i>duration</i></tt> after the <tt><i>name</i></tt>d mark. It is an error if the indicated time has already passed. The mark can be re-used. <dt><tt>go</tt> <dd>start executing the script. </dl>


A GNAT Project (GPR) file) is provided. To build the library, say

gprbuild -p -P scripted_testing

To install at your compiler's standard place, say this (you may need to do so as root, via e.g. sudo). DO NOT do this if you're using the compiler supplied with Debian-based systems.

make install

To install in (for example) ~/local, say

make install prefix=~/local

(and remember to put ~/local/lib/gnat on your ADA_PROJECT_PATH).

Your own GPR should then begin with with "scripted_testing";