spm is a command line package manager that mainly provides AppImages. spm uses spm-feed.json from the releases page to get information about packages.
spm is not responsible for bugs within packages that have been installed using spm. Please report any bugs that are specific to installed packages to their maintainers.
Dependencies: curl, jq (jq is included in the AppImage release)
list|l - list all available packages
info|i - output information for a package
search|se - search for available packages
install|in - install a package to $TARGET_DIR
get - install a package to $GET_DIR without managing it
remove|rm - remove an installed package
update|up - update list of packages and check installed packages for updates
revert|rev - revert an updated package to its previous version if available
freeze|fr - mark or unmark a package as FROZEN to prevent update checks
config|cf - open spm's config file with $EDITOR
Additional Arguments
[list|info] --installed|-i - show list or info for installed packages
--verbose [option] [package] - add bash option 'set -v' for verbose output
--debug [option] [package] - add bash option 'set -x' for debugging
Github Rate Limit
By default, Github's rate limit for API checks is 60 per hour. When authenticated, the rate limit is increased to 5000 per hour. To take advantage of the increased rate limit, it is suggested that you add your token to spm.conf
It is recommended that you do not give this token access to any scopes as it will be stored in plain text in your config file. It may even be a good idea to create a throwaway account for use with this.
To use authenticated Github API checks with spm, edit the following line in ~/.local/share/spm/spm.conf
to contain your token: