


📖 A tool for building docx based on your docsify project


npm install --save-dev docsify-docx-converter


Create config file .docsifytodocxrc.js in your project root directory.

module.exports = {
  /** "table of contents" file path */
  contents: '_sidebar.md',

  /** Whether to enable title degradation, if enabled, replace <h1> with <h2>, <h2> with <h3>, and so on. */
  titleDowngrade: true,

  /** Document root directory */
  rootPath: './docs',

  /** Path where docx will stored */
  pathToPublic: './README.docx',

   * The maximum width of the image in the document, and the height will be adaptive according to the width.
   * The default is 468, which is the maximum width of a word document.
  imgMaxWidth: 468,

  /** The title of the cover page. */
  coverTitle: null,

  /** The style of the body. */
  bodyStyles: 'font-family: 微软雅黑;',

  /** landscape or portrait (default) */
  orientation: 'portrait',

  /** map of margin sizes
   * expressed in twentieths of point, see WordprocessingML documentation for details):
   * http://officeopenxml.com/WPSectionPgMar.php
   * */
  margins: {}

Add script into package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "convert": "node_modules/.bin/docsify-docx-converter"

Run converter:

npm run convert