


Recursively copy provided source, while replacing variables (if any).

This project is meant to be used as a skaffold anything. Just provide a source directory/file and an output folder and this will walk recursively, when a variables in a file is found matching a variable in your environment or in the provided json (optional) it will logic-lessly be replaced.

Table of Content

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npx skaffoldo --source my-boilerplate --output my-new-project --jsonvars '{"CUSTOM_VAR": "MyValue"}'
# Enjoy


⚠️ This is a logic-less replace, this is not a template engine. Only variables found in templates are replaced.

By default process.env will be used, if the flag --jsonvars is provided with a valid JSON string it will be merge with process.env variables.

You can use variables inside your files or filenames following these formats:

MY_VAR=123 skaffoldo ...
# All OS level variables are also used


--source -sThe source directory or file
--output -oThe output destination
--verbose -vAdd more info to errors
--dryRun -dOutput operation to console without writing
--ignore -iIgnore paths, can be used multiple times, eg: **/.git/**
--jsonvars -jAccept a json with variables in addition to the environment ones


Project is pretty simple and straight forward for what is my needs, but if you have any idea you're welcome.

This projects uses commitlint with Angular configuration so be sure to use standard commit format or PR won't be accepted.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat(scope): some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request
<!-- LICENSE -->


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

<!-- CONTACT -->


Simone Corsi - @im_simonecorsi