

Wayward Web Framework

Did your dad ever tell you: "Writing web apps in C++ is dangerous and stupid! You should know better!"?

Well he's not the boss of you! You can do whatever you want!

Wayward ("<w>") is a web framework for writing HTTP-aware apps in C++. It uses libevent behind the scenes to create a compact HTTP server that can act as the backend for your app.

<w> is heavily inspired by the Ruby framework Sinatra, and aims to keep things as simple as possible. It uses the C++ Standard Template Library extensively.

But seriously, isn't this a bad idea?

Pretty much. C++ is really difficult to get right. However, most of the pitfalls come from trying to be "too clever" and using advanced library-author features when they're not necessary. Application control code in C++ is equally plain and boring as in any other language, if done almost right, but many orders of magnitude faster.

Here are a couple of hints:


Getting Started

And you're set. Build and run the Blog example:

Let's set up PostgreSQL for the blog:

And let's run it:

You now have a server running at localhost:3000 serving up a simple Blog application. You can just as easily run the blog executable directly, but then you won't get automatic recompilation when you muck around in the source code, and have to manually shut it down and run scons.

Example app

#include <w>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  w::App app { argv, argv };

  app.get("/", [](w::Request& req) -> w::Response {
    return w::render_text("Hello, World!");

  app.post("/articles", [](w::Request& req) -> w::Response) {
    return w::render_text("You might have just created a new article!");


Persistence Struct-Relational Mapper

Persistence is an ORM included with Wayward that does several things:

Persistence is non-intrusive — i.e., you can tell Persistence how to map a type to/from relational data without modifying the data structure.

Persistence is an approximate implementation of the data mapper pattern.

Example of binding a data structure to a table in an SQL database:

#include <p>

using p::PrimaryKey;
using p::BelongsTo;
using p::HasMany;
using w::DateTime;

struct Article {
  PrimaryKey      id;     // Could also be a plain integer, though less safe.
  DateTime        timestamp;
  std::string     title;
  std::string     text;
  BelongsTo<User> author; // Could also be an integer.

  relation("articles"); // Optional. Default = pluralized lowercase of the struct name.

  property(&Article::id, "id");
  property(&Article::timestamp, "timestamp");
  property(&Article::title, "title");
  property(&Article::text, "text");

  belongs_to(&Article::author, "author_id");

The second argument to property(...) above indicates the name of the column in the database.

Example of the query interface:

auto articles = from<Article>().where(p::column(&Article::title) == "The title.").order(&Article::timestamp).reverse_order();
auto articles_with_text = from<Article>().where(p::column(&Article::text).like("%something%"));

articles.each([&](Article& article) {
  // Do something with the fetched article.

The query interface is "lazy", and you can extend and modify queries in as many steps as you like. In the above, the only SQL command that actually gets executed happens when each is called.

Example of the update/insert interface (NIY):

Article article { ... };
p::insert(article); // always creates a new primary key
p::save(article);   // inserts if the object is new, otherwise updates.

Supported data stores:

Why don't Wayward and Persistence use Boost?

You can use Boost with Wayward, if you're so inclined. Wayward tries to avoid two things: Dependencies and complexity. Boost is a very complex dependency.

At the same time, the Wayward Support library includes a number of classes that could be said to replicate Boost functionality (such as Maybe, CommandLineOptions, w::format, and the serialization components). Why not simply use the Boost equivalents? It comes down to a difference in philosophy: Boost tries to be everything to everyone. Boost components rely heavily on very complex template metaprogramming techniques in order to achieve the maximum possible flexibility and performance under all circumstances. The result is code that is hard to understand and debug, as well as APIs that are sometimes awkward or difficult to use. It can also drastically increase compile times, which goes against the goal of a quick turnaround time and smooth development experience that Wayward represents.

Instead, Wayward often makes micro-sacrifices in performance, for instance by using runtime dynamic polymorphism instead of static template polymorphism, and as a consequence heap allocation in many places where Boost could have made do with faster stack allocation. The result is vastly more maintainable and readable code, which is important given the security concerns of an internet-facing web app, and the performance sacrifice is tolerable considering that most Wayward apps are strictly IO-bound, rather than CPU-bound.


Dependency management in C++ apps is a pain, so <w> tries to keep it to a minimum.

<w> has been tested on the following platforms: