

Theme Config Im-/Export Plugin

This plugin allows you to import or export theme configurations in Shopware 5.


The easiest way to install this plugin is by downloading the latest release. You can upload the .zip file in the Shopware Plugin Manager. ( Configuration > Plugin Manager > Installed > Upload Plugin )



  1. Clone this repository into the /engine/Shopware/Plugins/Community/Backend directory using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/simkli/SimklThemeSettingExport.git
  1. Log in to your Shopware backend and activate the plugin in the Shopware Plugin Manager.


Shopware Backend

This plugins extends the Shopware Theme Manager and allows you to export and import configuration of themes. Image

Via Commandline

Using the Shopware CLI you can easily import or export configurations. This can be useful for deployment. Following commands are available: $ ./bin/console sw:theme:export:configuration <theme> <shop> $ ./bin/console sw:theme:import:configuration <theme> <shop> You can use the ID or name of the shop/theme as argument.

Example Import

$ ./bin/console sw:theme:import:configuration Responsive English < my_config.theme

For Developers

If you're plaing on releasing a theme you can use this plugin to import a example configuration for your customers. For example in your plugin's bootstrap:

if ($this->assertRequiredPluginsPresent(['SimklThemeSettingExport']) {
    $service = $this->get('simklthemeimportexport.theme_import_export_service');
    $service->setThemeSettingsArray($yourThemeModel, $shop, [
        'brand-primary' => '#FFF',
        'brand-secondary' => '#000'
        // ...


This plugin is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.