

Syncing Figma & production

That's an example of how you can sync your Figma styles and icons with production using design tokens.

  1. Tokens — source of icons and styles for Figma and production.
  2. React app - An example app, which uses icons and colors from Tokens.
  3. Figma plugin - Syncs icons and colors from Tokens with Figma page.

Quick start

Clone this repository

git clone git@github.com:simareeno/figma-and-production.git
cd figma-and-production

Install all the stuff

npm i
lerna bootstrap

How does it work


You have a single source of truth — tokens. Styles are stored in json files. Icons as svgs. Once you build this package, styles are converted to css and icons to json.

You are welcome to convert them to whatever you like — scss, js or swift. And other concepts (desktop / phone, themes e t. c.).

Production app

Imports tokens as a package. Now you have pure svgs — import them however you like. Import .css file with variables and use it in css. If you don't want them in your final bundle, use post-css plugin.

Figma plugin

Source files are in src folder. Webpack converts Typescript to Javascript, resolves modules and other stuff. And creates a dist directory with final file — code.js. Once you run a plugin, it executes this file.

Main process goes at src/code.ts. It creates styles and icons tokens at seclected frame. So, first we execute sync-colors.ts and then sync-icons.ts.

Their process is described in comments inside theese files.

How to run a plugin

  1. Open Figma
  2. Go to Menu > Plugins > Development > New plugin
  3. Select manifest.json from the figma-plugin folder
  4. Go to Menu > Plugins > Development > Sync tokens

How to run a React app

  1. Go production-app folder
  2. Run npm start

How to develop

Same command for tokens, plugin and app — npm start

This repository is just to deliver the concept. Code is not optimized for production.