

h5grove, core utilities to serve HDF5 file contents

h5grove is a Python package that provides utilities to design backends serving HDF5 file content: attributes, metadata and data. HDF5 files are accessed with h5py.


The documentation of the latest release is available here.


There are several packages out there that can serve HDF5 files. However, they are dedicated to their usecases and settle on one implementation, hampering reusability.

In addition, some problems arise constantly when designing HDF5 backends. To name a few:

h5grove aims at providing building blocks that solve these common problems and can be reused in existing or new backends.


pip install h5grove

You can use h5grove low-level utilities whatever the backend implementation you choose. Additional utilities are provided for several Python web frameworks but require additional packages that can be installed the following way:

pip install h5grove[fastapi]
pip install h5grove[flask]
pip install h5grove[tornado]