

=========== docker_paas

This is a rough cut but it demostrates how one could run docker on mesos via marathon.


Zookeeper is the foundational component, it allows mesos, marathon, and other components to self organize. Zookeepr is managed by exhibitor. Exhibitor is an application built by Netflix that manages zookeeper for you and provides a discovery API. Exhibitor runs on each zookeeper node and uses NFS to bootstrap configuration. This shouldn't be a hard dependency, if NFS is unavailable the ZK quorum isn't impacted. In a production environment we should use the 'S3' configuration option which moves this configuration store to S3 (or perhaps to a Ceph object store if we can swing it).

Mesos runs on each node. Running on Mesos is Marathon. Marathon/Mesos ensures: *services only get run where resource and other arbitrary constraints are met. (i.e cpu, memory, disk, rack, datacenter) *a certain number of copies of the service are always running given adequate resources are available in the cluster

Marathon/Mesos provides a highly available API and web interface to add/remove/manage thess services

Tenantive Workflow

Thus to deploy to dev you'd only need to do: git push paas-dev or git push paas-prod etc..

Allowed git pushers are managed by the accounting piece yet to be created.. for now you can use your access to the paas masters to add your key cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh you@yourserver.com "sudo gitreceive upload-key <username>"