

Piper for Burp Suite

Piper integrates external tools and their pipelines to Burp Suite. The extension can pass HTTP requests and responses from Burp to external programs, then feed the execution result back to Burp. With Piper you can create:

Detailed usage information is provided in the original GWAPT Gold Paper, and in this demonstration video.


Execute ./gradlew build and you'll have the plugin ready in build/libs/burp-piper.jar

Known issues


Piper configurations can be exported and imported. As configurations define commands to be executed on the user's machine, importing malicious configurations is a security risk.

Piper disables configurations loaded via the GUI to prevent exploitation, and unexpected behavior (e.g.: modification of HTTP messages). To support automation, Piper enables configurations loaded via the PIPER_CONFIG environment variable, so extra care must be taken in this use case.

Users should always review configurations before importing or enabling them.


The whole project is available under the GNU General Public License v3.0, see LICENSE.md. The swing-terminal component was developed by @redpois0n, released under this same license.