


<!--- @begin-badges@ --->

CI Self-test

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sigstore-conformance is a conformance testing suite for Sigstore clients.

This suite provides a high-level view of client behaviour as a whole and sets out to answer questions such as:

An official Sigstore client specification is being worked on at the moment as part of the Sigstore Architecture Documentation. Once it's complete, sigstore-conformance aims to be able to test a client's adherence to the specification.

Some general testing principles for this suite are:


  1. Include an executable in your project that implements the client-under-test CLI protocol.
  2. Use the sigstore/sigstore-conformance action in your test workflow:
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          # insert your client installation steps here
          # Run tests against production Sigstore environment
          - uses: sigstore/sigstore-conformance@v0.0.11
              entrypoint: my-conformance-client
          # Run tests against staging Sigstore environment
          - uses: sigstore/sigstore-conformance@v0.0.11
              entrypoint: my-conformance-client
              environment: staging

See sigstore-python conformance test for a complete example.

sigstore/sigstore-conformance action inputs

The important action inputs are

See action.yml for full list of inputs.


Easiest way to run the conformance suite locally is with the provided virtual environment:

$ make dev
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $

The test suite can be configured with

(env) $ # run all tests
(env) $ pytest test --entrypoint=$SIGSTORE_CLIENT
(env) $ # run verification tests only
(env) $ pytest test --entrypoint=$SIGSTORE_CLIENT --skip-signing

Following example runs the test suite with the included sigstore-python-conformance client script:

(env) $ # run all tests
(env) $ GHA_SIGSTORE_CONFORMANCE_XFAIL="test_verify_with_trust_root test_verify_dsse_bundle_with_trust_root" \
    pytest test --entrypoint=sigstore-python-conformance


sigstore-conformance is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting with this project is expected to follow the sigstore Code of Conduct


Should you discover any security issues, please refer to sigstore's security process.