

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 --> <h1> <img src="https://github.com/sighupio/fury-distribution/blob/main/docs/assets/fury-epta-white.png?raw=true" align="left" width="90" style="margin-right: 15px"/> Kubernetes Fury Disaster Recovery </h1> <!-- markdownlint-enable MD033 -->

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Kubernetes Fury Disaster Recovery (DR) implements backups and disaster recovery for the Kubernetes Fury Distribution (KFD) using Velero.

If you are new to KFD please refer to the official documentation on how to get started with KFD.


Kubernetes Fury DR module is based on Velero and Velero Node Agent.

Velero allows you to:

Together with Velero, Velero Node Agent allows you to:

The module contains also velero plugins to natively integrate with Velero with different cloud providers and use cloud provider's volumes as the storage backend.


Kubernetes Fury DR provides the following packages:

velero1.14.0Backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.

The velero package contains the following additional components:

velero-node-agentIncremental backup and restore of Kubernetes volumes.
velero-schedulesCommon schedules for backup

Integration with cloud providers

Use the following Velero Plugins to integrate Velero with cloud providers:

velero-awsPlugins to support running Velero on AWS
velero-gcpPlugins to support running Velero on GCP
velero-azurePlugins to support running Velero on Azure

Deploy the necessary infrastructure to persist the backups natively in cloud providers volumes, using the following terraform modules:

Terraform ModuleDescription
aws-veleroCreates AWS resources and Kubernetes CRDs to persist backups.
azure-veleroCreates Azure resources and Kubernetes CRDs to persist backups.
gcp-veleroCreates GCP resources and Kubernetes CRDs to persist backups.


Kubernetes VersionCompatibilityNotes
1.25.x:white_check_mark:No known issues
1.26.x:white_check_mark:No known issues
1.27.x:white_check_mark:No known issues
1.28.x:white_check_mark:No known issues
1.29.x:white_check_mark:No known issues

Check the compatibility matrix for additional information about previous releases of the modules.


Kubernetes Fury DR deployment depends on the environment.

EnvironmentStorage BackendVelero PluginTerraform Module
Velero on AWSS3 Bucketvelero-awsaws-velero
Velero on GCPGCSvelero-gcpgcp-velero
Velero on AzureAZ Storage Containervelero-azureazure-velero
Velero on-premisesMinIovelero-on-prem/


furyctl>=0.25.0The recommended tool to download and manage KFD modules and their packages. To learn more about furyctl read the official documentation.
kustomize>=3.5.3Packages are customized using kustomize. To learn how to create your customization layer with kustomize, please refer to the repository.
terraform>=1.3Additional infrastructure is deployed using terraform.

Velero on AWS

Velero on AWS is based on the AWS Velero Plugin.

It requires the secret cloud-credentials in the kube-system namespace containing a service account with appropriate credentials. As an alternative, the module supports authentication via IAM Roles.

To deploy Velero on AWS:

  1. List the packages you want to deploy and their version in a Furyfile.yml
  - name: dr/velero/velero-aws
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: dr/velero/velero-node-agent
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: dr/velero/velero-schedules
    version: "v2.4.0"

  - name: dr/aws-velero
    version: "v2.4.0"

See furyctl documentation for additional details about Furyfile.yml format.

  1. Execute furyctl legacy vendor -H to download the packages

  2. Inspect the downloaded packages under ./vendor/katalog/velero.

  3. Deploy the necessary infrastructure via terraform using the aws-velero terraform module:

module "velero" {
  source             = "path/to/vendor/modules/aws-velero"
  backup_bucket_name = "my-cluster-velero"
  project            = "sighup-staging"

More information on modules inputs can be found in the aws-velero module documentation

Here you can find an example designed to create all necessary cloud resources for Velero on AWS.

  1. Define a kustomization.yaml that includes the downloaded resources.
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-aws
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-node-agent
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-schedules
  1. To deploy the packages to your cluster, execute:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

Velero on GCP

Velero on GCP is based on the Velero GCP Plugin.

It requires the secret cloud-credentials in the kube-system namespace containing a service account with appropriate credentials. As an alternative, the module supports workload identity.

Check the required Velero GCP plugin permissions here

To deploy Velero on GCP:

  1. List the packages you want to deploy and their version in a Furyfile.yml
  - name: dr/velero/velero-gcp
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: dr/velero/velero-node-agent
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: dr/velero/velero-schedules
    version: "v2.4.0"

  - name: dr/gcp-velero
    version: "v2.4.0"

See furyctl documentation for additional details about Furyfile.yml format.

  1. Execute furyctl legacy vendor -H to download the packages

  2. Inspect the downloaded packages under ./vendor/katalog/velero.

  3. Deploy the necessary infrastructure via terraform using the gcp-velero terraform module:

module "velero" {
  source             = "path/to/vendor/modules/gcp-velero"
  backup_bucket_name = "my-cluster-velero"
  project            = "sighup-staging"

More information on modules inputs can be found in the gcp-velero module documentation

Here you can find an example designed to create all necessary cloud resources for Velero on GCP.

  1. Define a kustomization.yaml that includes the downloaded resources.
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-gcp
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-node-agent
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-schedules
  1. To deploy the packages to your cluster, execute:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

Velero on Azure

Velero on Azure is based on the Azure Velero Plugin.

Requires the cloud-credentials secret config in the kube-system namespace.

To deploy Velero on Azure:

  1. List the packages you want to deploy and their version in a Furyfile.yml
  - name: dr/velero/velero-azure
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: dr/velero/velero-node-agent
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: dr/velero/velero-schedules
    version: "v2.4.0"

  - name: dr/azure-velero
    version: "v2.4.0"

See furyctl documentation for additional details about Furyfile.yml format.

  1. Execute furyctl legacy vendor -H to download the packages

  2. Inspect the downloaded packages under ./vendor/katalog/velero.

  3. Deploy the necessary infrastructure via terraform using the azure-velero terraform module:

module "velero" {
  source             = "path/to/vendor/modules/azure-velero"
  backup_bucket_name = "my-cluster-velero"
  project            = "sighup-staging"

More information on modules inputs can be found in the azure-velero module documentation

Here you can find an example designed to create all necessary cloud resources for Velero on Azure.

  1. Define a kustomization.yaml that includes the downloaded resources.
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-azure
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-node-agent
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-schedules
  1. To deploy the packages to your cluster, execute:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

Velero on-premises

velero-on-prem deploys a MinIO in-cluster instance as an object storage backend for Velero.

Please note that the MinIO server is running in the same cluster that is being backed up.

To deploy velero on-prem:

  1. List the packages you want to deploy and their version in a Furyfile.yml
  - name: velero/velero-on-prem
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: velero/velero-node-agent
    version: "v2.4.0"
  - name: velero/velero-schedules
    version: "v2.4.0"

See furyctl documentation for additional details about Furyfile.yml format.

  1. Execute furyctl legacy vendor -H to download the packages

  2. Inspect the downloaded packages under ./vendor/katalog/velero.

  3. Define a kustomization.yaml that includes the downloaded resources.

  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-on-prem
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-node-agent
  - ./vendor/katalog/dr/velero/velero-schedules
  1. To deploy the packages to your cluster, execute:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
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Before contributing, please read first the Contributing Guidelines.

Reporting Issues

In case you experience any problem with the module, please open a new issue.


This module is open-source and it's released under the following LICENSE

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