pug transform for browserify v2. Sourcemaps generation included.
var b = browserify();
# these options are passed directly to pug compiler
var pugConfig = {
pretty: true,
compileDebug: false
# if babelConfig is defined, the output will be transpiled using babel, and the options are passed into babel transpiler
# this is useful when you need to support old browsers, since pug compiles into ES6 format.
var babelConfig = {
presets: ['es2015']
b.transform(require('pugify').pug(pugConfig, babelConfig));
If you are using pugify programatically, you can pass options to the Pug compiler by
calling pug()
on the pugify transform:
var b = browserify();
pretty: true
If you are using pugify in a command line build, you can pass parameters by adding a "pugify" section to your package.json. You can either include parameters directly:
"pugify": {
"pretty": true
or for more complicated cases you can reference a .js file:
"pugify": "./assets/pugify-config.js"
And then in pugify-config.js:
module.exports = {
pretty: (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production') ? false : true
To disable sourcemap generation, which results in smaller compiled files for production builds,
set pug option compileDebug
to false in the options:
var b = browserify();
compileDebug: false
or in package.json:
"pugify": {
"compileDebug": false