

PB for Desktop travis appveyor npm

<p align="center"> <b>PB for Desktop</b> is a <b>lightweight</b> open-source <b>Desktop app</b> for <b><a href="https://pushbullet.com/">PushBullet</a></b>.<br> Receive native push notifications on macOS, Windows and Linux.</b><br><br> <img height="200px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sidneys/pb-for-desktop/master/resources/graphics/icon.png"/><br><br> <i>Not affiliated with PushBullet, Inc.</i><br><br> </p>
<p align="center"> <img alt="Pushbullet for Desktop, macOS" width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sidneys/pb-for-desktop/master/resources/screenshots/screenshot-macos.png"/><br> <sub><sup>macOS</sup></sub> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Pushbullet for Desktop on Windows" width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sidneys/pb-for-desktop/master/resources/screenshots/screenshot-win32.png"/><br> <sub><sup>Windows</sup></sub> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Pushbullet for Desktop, Linux" width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sidneys/pb-for-desktop/master/resources/screenshots/screenshot-linux.png"/><br> <sub><sup>Linux</sup></sub> </p>

Cross Platform

Tested on:


Runs as a Menubar (macOS) or a SysTray (Windows) app. Small resource footprint.

Native Notifications

Uses macOS' Notification Center, the Windows 10 Action Center and libnotify for Linux.

Notification Thumbnails

For text-based pushes, notification thumbnails are generated on-the-fly based on a the originating Websites' favicon. For pushes containing image content, a thumbnail-sized image is shown within the notification.

Custom Sound Effects

Use the default PushBullet sound or one of your choice. Ships multiple sound effect sets: Android, iOS, Tesla Motors, Slack, Nintendo, Windows, macOS Or use your own custom sound (supported formats: .m4a, .mp3, .mp4, .ogg and .wav)

Notification Filter

A portable, file-based filter allows you to skip notifications you don't need. Supports regular expressions.

Simple Setup

No wrestling with API-Keys or other technical knowledge required. Login to Pushbullet using Google or Facebook.

SMS Feature Status: Alpha

Send & receive SMS to Android devices.

Inline SMS Message Reply Feature Status: Alpha

Reply to SMS messages directly within native Desktop notifications (macOS).

Channel Images for IFTTT and Zapier

Channel-specific (e.g. IFTTT, Zapier, Chat) icon images for most notifications.

Notification Mirroring

Mirror Android notifications (Android).

Direct Pushes to Desktop

Adds a PB for Desktop PushBullet device for sending pushes to your desktop.

Developer Friendly

Ships multiple NodeJS-driven command scripts for Developers, as code contributions are welcome.


  1. Installation
  2. Development
  3. Building
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contribute
  6. Author

<a name="installation"/></a>Installation

Standard Installation

Grab the latest version here: Download Pushbullet for Desktop

Installation as global nodejs module

npm install --global pb-for-desktop

<a name="development"/></a>Development

Getting the Sourcecode

To clone the Git repository and install the required dependencies, run these Shell commands:

git clone https://github.com/sidneys/pb-for-desktop.git
cd pb-for-desktop
npm install

Developer Commands

The following npm scripts are available for development purposes:


Runs the app in development mode.

npm run start



Installs the app in the System app folder and starts it.

npm run localsetup


<a name="build"/></a>build

Builds the application and creates platform-specific installation packages (see requirements). If no parameter is supplied, the current platform is built. Supports building a Beta application version, which is running side-by-side with the regular version.

npm run build


<a name="building"/></a>Building

Build the App for the current Platform

See the build Developer command.

Multi-Platform Builds

Build-for-Windows Preparation on macOS

brew install wine mono

Build-for-Linux Preparation on macOS

brew install fakeroot dpkg

Build-for-Windows Preparation on Linux

apt-get install wine mono gcc-multilib g++-multilib

<a name="roadmap"/></a> Roadmap

<a name="contribute"/></a> Contribute Contributions Wanted

Read the contribution documentation first.

<a name="license"/></a> License


<a name="author"/></a> Author

sidneys 2019