Backend Notification when multiple users working parallel
- min. Shopware 5.2.0
- A firebase account (Free account is enought)
Git Version
- Checkout Plugin in
- Install the Plugin with the Plugin Manager
Add firebase credentials
If you setup Google Cloud Platform the first time, make shure to select the right location like europe-west3 because you can not change it later on!
Create new application on and put js setup code in the plugin configuration
- Add firebase-database.js (line 3) like
<script src=""></script>
after the firebase js code<script src=""></script>
- Take Care of the Version /7.2.2/
- It should look like: `<!-- The core Firebase JS SDK is always required and must be listed first -->
- Add firebase-database.js (line 3) like
set public permission rule for the Database
- Enter your firebase project, click on the Database (develop section on the left, realtime database) and select the Rules tab.
Permissions should be public, so set it up like:
rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write; } } }
- Enter your firebase project, click on the Database (develop section on the left, realtime database) and select the Rules tab.
Permissions should be public, so set it up like:
Currently supported backend sections
- Customer
- Order
- Product
- Emotion
Feel free to fork and send pull requests!
This project uses the MIT License.