

For generating candidate Wikipedia entities for entity linking. This is a part of the code for the xelms project.


  1. The output of the wikidump_preprocessing generated under the OUTDIR folder, is required for this project. Follow the instructions in that repo for the language of your choice. You also need to prepare the output for the English Wikipedia.

Make a softlink to the outdir folders generated above under a data folder

$ ln -s path/to/outdir/for/enwiki data/enwiki

where path/to/outdir/for/enwiki is the OUTDIR specified in the makefile of the wikidump_preprocessing project.

  1. pymongo
  2. hanziconv

Setting Up Resources

For faster processing we store the various maps (e.g. string to Wikipedia candidates etc.) in a mongodb database collection. To start up the Mongo DB daemon, run:

mongod --dbpath /path/to/db/

The dbpath argument is where mongodb will create the database and indexes.

Once the daemon is running, we can run the candidate generation script.

Probability Files

The CandidateGenerator class loads Wikipedia matches for a given string, each mapped to the probability of these matches.

Title Normalization

The TitleNormalizer class is used to resolve ambiguities with multiple titles referring to the same page. These variations of titles appear in redirect pages. A redirect page has no content in itself, but sends the reader to another article in the same wiki. For example, the title Detective_Sherlock_Holmes is synonymous with the title Sherlock_Holmes and thus redirects to the latter page.

Interactive Mode

The interactive mode for candidate generation allows the user to insert a surface form and immediately see the query results in CLI. To run in interactive mode, run:

python3 -m wiki_kb.candidate_gen_v2 --lang en --numcands 10 --date 20170520 --interactive

Where date is the timestamp of the Wikipedia dump that was processed. With the interactive flag, the user can enter a surface form as a query string. Here is a example interaction, (user inputs "chicago")

enter surface:chicago
cands found: 10
0 Chicago 0.925965 0.0 nrm Chicago phrase
1 Chicago_(band) 0.019539 0.0 nrm Chicago_(band) phrase
2 Chicago_(musical) 0.014488 0.0 nrm Chicago_(musical) phrase
3 Chicago_(2002_film) 0.005084 0.0 nrm Chicago_(2002_film) phrase
4 University_of_Chicago 0.003589 0.0 nrm University_of_Chicago phrase
5 Chicago_Union_Station 0.001794 0.0 nrm Chicago_Union_Station phrase
6 Chicago_Maroons_football 0.001462 0.0 nrm Chicago_Maroons_football phrase
7 Chicago_Blackhawks 0.001379 0.0 nrm Chicago_Blackhawks phrase
8 Chicago_(magazine) 0.001279 0.0 nrm Chicago_(magazine) phrase
9 Chicago_Bears 0.001163 0.0 nrm Chicago_Bears phrase

Candidate Generator for Raw Text