


Things may work for you, or may not. Things may never work because of huge differences between Linux and Windows. Or things may work in future, if you report the problem to https://github.com/rmyorston/busybox-w32. If you don't have a GitHub account you can email me: rmy@pobox.com.


You need a MinGW compiler and a POSIX environment (so that make menuconfig works). I cross-compile on Linux. On Fedora or RHEL/CentOS+EPEL installing mingw32-gcc (32-bit build) or mingw64-gcc (64-bit build) will pull in everything needed.

To start, run make mingw32_defconfig or make mingw64_defconfig. You can then customize your build with make menuconfig.

In particular you may need to adjust the compiler by going to Busybox Settings -> Build Options -> Cross Compiler Prefix

Then just make.
