

Awesome Diagramming Awesome

A curated list of awesome diagramming tools available for software engineering teams. Feel free to contribute to this on-going list.

When diagrams are useful?

Diagrams are faster and compact way for knowledge transfer. It's much easier to communicate a system architecture with a diagram compared to writing an essay on it.

Following are the major categories diagrams used by most efficient software engineering teams (based on more than 30 interviews with engineers working in startups and big tech):

Factors to consider before choosing the diagramming tool

General Purpose (flexible for all kinds of diagrams)

Others - Miro, Gliffy, Inkscape, Plectica, Whimsical, ZenUML, Gleek, Structurizr, StarUML, Gaphor

System Architecture Diagram

Essential readings
C4 Model, 5 types of architecture diagrams

Others - Ilograph, Omnigraffle, Cloudcraft, CloudSkew

Sequence Diagram

Others - Websequencediagrams, Sequencediagram.org

Database Schema Diagram

Essential Readings
How to choose your ERD?

Others - DrawSql, ERD Plus, Creately, SqlDBM

Gantt Chart

Other good curated collections of diagramming tools