


<img width="150px" src="desktop/chordcat.png" align="right">

Chord Naming App with MIDI Support

Chordcat is a desktop app that helps you identify and name chords based on inputted notes.

<a href='https://flathub.org/apps/dev.ters.Chordcat'> <img width='240' alt='Get it on Flathub' src='https://flathub.org/api/badge?locale=en'/> </a>



<img src="https://shriramters.github.io/chordcat/chordcat-0.3.0-kde-with-midi.png" width="600px"> <img src="https://shriramters.github.io/chordcat/chordcat-0.3.0-kde-2.png" width="600px">


<img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3c664e05-fee9-46aa-9c26-79f4e57f4e91" width="600px">

Installing From Binaries

For installation instructions using pre-built binaries, refer to the Chordcat User's Manual.

Building and Running From Source

To build and run chordcat from source, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/shriramters/chordcat.git
    $ cd chordcat
  2. Create a build directory and navigate into it:

    $ mkdir build && cd build
  3. Configure the build using CMake. Ensure all dependencies are installed on your system. (refer to Building From Source section of the chordcat user's manual):

    $ cmake ..
  4. Build the application using make:

    $ make -j$(nproc)
  5. Run Chordcat:

    $ ./chordcat

Built With (Thanks to)