

Full Stack Web Developer Path

This is a guide to learn full-stack web development. It is focused on full-stack JavaScript. It covers all the way from the fundamentals to React and Node. <br> The idea behind this repo is, to have a place to log the learning process in an organized way. <br><br> This can be used as a companion to FreeCodeCamp curriculum

Coding log

The Fundamentals

CourseCS50 on edX
CourseTeam Treehouse or Codeschool's HTML, CSS Path (Paid) OR Shay Howe's HTML,CSS Course
ProjectFCC Front End Project - Build Your Portfolio
CourseLearn to use Command line
CourseLearn Version Control (Git) - Git course @Codeschool OR Udacity - Git and Github
CourseLearn Flexbox - Flexbox.io OR Flexboxfroggy
CourseLearn Sass - Sass-guide OR Sass Tutorials
ProjectRefactor the portfolio site layout and CSS using Flexbox and Sass
CourseWatch and Code - Practical Javascript
BookEloquent Javascript
ProjectDo FCC Javascript Basic Algorithm Challenges
BookLearn DOM manipulation - DOM Enlightenment
ProjectMake a todo list webapp
CourseLearn AJAX
ProjectFCC Intermediate Project - Build a Random Quote Generator
ProjectFCC Intermediate Project - Build a Local Weather App
ProjectFCC Intermediate Project - Build a Wikipedia Viewer
ProjectFCC Intermediate Project - Build a Twitch TV Viewer
CourseLearn ES6 - Wes Bos - ES6 for Everyone (Paid) OR ES6 Crash Course
ProjectDo FCC Javascript Intermediate Algorithm Challenges
ProjectFCC Advanced Project - Build a Javascript Calculator
ProjectFCC Advanced Project - Build a Pomodoro Clock
ProjectFCC Advanced Project - Build a Tic Tac Toe game
ProjectFCC Advanced Project - Build a Simon Game
MilestoneFreeCodeCamp Front End Certificate
Course[Optional] JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts (Paid)
BookYDKJS: Up & Going
BookYDKJS: Scope & Closures
BookYDKJS: this & Object Prototypes
BookYDKJS: Types & Grammar
BookYDKJS: Async & Performance
BookYDKJS: ES6 & Beyond


CourseLearn React - React For Beginners - Wes Bos (Paid) or React Fundamentals - Tyler Mcginnis (Paid) OR Learn React @Egghead.io
CourseLearn Redux - Redux course - Wes Bos
ProjectFCC React Project - Build a Markdown Previewer
ProjectFCC React Project - Build a Recipe Box App
ProjectClone the Netflix interface using React - pulling data from the Movie DB API
ProjectClone this Admin template using React

Backend (Node)

CourseLearn Node - Wes Bos (Paid) OR Nodeschool.io Tutorials
ProjectFCC Backend Project - Timestamp Microservice
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Request Header Parser Microservice
ProjectFCC Backend Project- URL Shortener Microservice
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Image Search Abstraction Layer
ProjectFCC Backend Project- File Metadata Microservice
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Build a Voting App
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Build a Nightlife Coordination App
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Chart the Stock Market
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Manage a Book Trading Club
ProjectFCC Backend Project- Build a Pinterest Clone
MilestoneFreeCodeCamp BackEnd certificate

Extra Goals

How to use the guide



Inspired by p1xt guides, My journey to becoming a web developer from scratch without a CS degree (and what I learned from it)