

Tailwind CSS Unsplash Background

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TailwindCSS / WindiCSS plugin to easily apply background from unsplash.com into your CSS.

Tailwind CSS:

<!-- Using dynamic images -->
<div class="bg-unsplash-[YMi66afAE3I]" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-[YMi66afAE3I/lg]" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-[YMi66afAE3I/1920]" />

<!-- Using static images --> 
<div class="bg-unsplash-yosemite" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-yosemite-lg" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-yosemite-[1920]" />

Windi CSS:

<!-- Dynamic with TailwindCSS -->
<div class="bg-unsplash-YMi66afAE3I" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-YMi66afAE3I-lg" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-YMi66afAE3I-1920" />

<!-- Image from theme --> 
<div class="bg-unsplash-yosemite" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-yosemite-lg" />
<div class="bg-unsplash-yosemite-1920" />

You can extract the ID like so:

When using the dynamic syntax, make sure you escape dashes:


npm install -D tailwindcss-unsplash
yarn add -D tailwindcss-unsplash
pnpm add -D tailwindcss-unsplash

Simple usage

  theme: {
    unsplashImages: {
      lyon: 'YMi66afAE3I',
      stars: '4dpAqfTbvKA',
      yosemite: 'zOXUvQ3Xo3s',
      gradient: 'LeG68PrXA6Y',
    unsplashResolutions: {
      default: null, // --- Allows maximum available resolution by default.
      xs: 480,
      sm: 720,
      md: 1280,
      lg: 1920,
      xl: 3840,
      '2xl': 7680,
  plugins: [

The plugin generates the following utilities:

.bg-unsplash-[image-key] {
  background-image: url(https://unsplash.com/photos/{image-id}/download;

.bg-unsplash-[image-key]-[resolution-key] {
  background-image: url(https://unsplash.com/photos/{image-id}/download?w={resolution};