

xredis Build Status Go Report Card GoDoc License: MIT

Built on top of github.com/garyburd/redigo with the idea to simplify creating a Redis client, provide type safe calls and encapsulate the low level details to easily integrate with Redis.




Example 1

Using DefaultClient to create a redis client with default options

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Ping()) // PONG <nil>

List of default options

defaultHost                  = "localhost"
defaultPort                  = 6379
defaultPassword              = ""
defaultDatabase              = 0
defaultNetwork               = "tcp"
defaultConnectTimeout        = time.Second
defaultWriteTimeout          = time.Second
defaultReadTimeout           = time.Second
defaultConnectionIdleTimeout = 240 * time.Second
defaultConnectionMaxIdle     = 100
defaultConnectionMaxActive   = 10000
defaultConnectionWait        = false
defaultTlsConfig             = nil
defaultTlsSkipVerify         = false
defaultTestOnBorrowTimeout   = time.Minute

Example 2

Using SetupClient to create a redis client using provided options

package main

import (

func main() {
	options := &xredis.Options{
		Host: "localhost",
		Port: 6379,

	client := xredis.SetupClient(options)
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Ping()) // PONG <nil>

Available options to set

type Options struct {
	Host                  string
	Port                  int
	Password              string
	Database              int
	Network               string
	ConnectTimeout        time.Duration
	WriteTimeout          time.Duration
	ReadTimeout           time.Duration
	ConnectionIdleTimeout time.Duration
	ConnectionMaxIdle     int
	ConnectionMaxActive   int
	ConnectionWait        bool
	TlsConfig             *tls.Config
	TlsSkipVerify         bool
	TestOnBorrowPeriod    time.Duration

Example 3

Using SetupSentinelClient to create a redis sentinel client using provided options

package main

import (

func main() {
	options := &xredis.SentinelOptions{
		Addresses:  []string{"localhost:26379"},
		MasterName: "master",

	client := xredis.SetupSentinelClient(options)
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Ping()) // PONG <nil>

Available options to set

type SentinelOptions struct {
	Addresses             []string
	MasterName            string
	Password              string
	Database              int
	Network               string
	ConnectTimeout        time.Duration
	WriteTimeout          time.Duration
	ReadTimeout           time.Duration
	ConnectionIdleTimeout time.Duration
	ConnectionMaxIdle     int
	ConnectionMaxActive   int
	ConnectionWait        bool
	TlsConfig             *tls.Config
	TlsSkipVerify         bool

Example 4

Using NewClient to create a redis client using redigo's redis.Pool

package main

import (

func main() {
	pool := &redis.Pool{
		Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
			return redis.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379")

	client := xredis.NewClient(pool)
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Ping()) // PONG <nil>

Example 5

Using the Ping, Echo & Info commands to ping, echo messages and return redis' information and statistics

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Ping())         // PONG <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Echo("Hello"))  // Hello <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.FlushDb())      // <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.FlushAll())     // <nil>

Example 6

Using the Set, Keys, Get, Exists, Expire, Append, GetRange, SetRange and Del commands to show how to set, get and delete keys and values. Note that the Get returns 3 values, a string result, a bool that determines whether the key exists and an error

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Set("name", "Raed Shomali")) // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.SetNx("name", "Hello"))      // false <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.SetEx("id", "10", 1))        // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Expire("name", 1))           // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Expire("unknown", 1))        // false <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Keys("*"))                   // [id name] <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Get("name"))                 // "Raed Shomali" true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Exists("name"))              // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Del("name"))                 // 1 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Exists("name"))              // false <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Get("name"))                 // "" false <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Del("name"))                 // 0 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Append("name", "a"))         // 1 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Append("name", "b"))         // 2 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Append("name", "c"))         // 3 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Get("name"))                 // "abc" true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.GetRange("name", 0 , 1))     // "ab" <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.SetRange("name", 2, "xyz"))  // 5 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Get("name"))                 // "abxyz" <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Scan(0, "*"))                // 0 [name id] <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Del("id", "name"))           // 2 <nil>

Example 7

Using the Incr, IncrBy, IncrByFloat, Decr, DecrBy, DecrByFloat commands, we can increment and decrement a key's value

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.Set("integer", "10"))       // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Set("float", "5.5"))        // true <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.Get("integer"))             // 10 true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Get("float"))               // 5.5 true <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.Incr("integer"))            // 11 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.IncrBy("integer", 10))      // 21 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.DecrBy("integer", 5))       // 16 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Decr("integer"))            // 15 <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.IncrByFloat("float", 3.3))  // 8.8 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.DecrByFloat("float", 1.1))  // 7.7 <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.Get("integer"))             // 15 true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.Get("float"))               // 7.7 true <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.Del("integer", "float"))    // 2 <nil>

Example 8

Using the HSet, HKeys, HGet, HGetAll, HExists and HDel commands to show how to set, get and delete hash keys, fields and values. Note that the HGetAll returns 2 values, a map[string]string result and an error

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.HSet("hash", "name", "Raed Shomali")) // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HSet("hash", "sport", "Football"))    // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HKeys("hash"))                        // [name sport] <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HScan("hash", 0, "*"))                // 0 [name Raed Shomali sport Football] <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HGet("hash", "name"))                 // "Raed Shomali" true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HGetAll("hash"))                      // map[name:Raed Shomali sport:Football] <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HExists("hash", "name"))              // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HDel("hash", "name", "sport"))        // 2 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HGet("hash", "name"))                 // "" false <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HExists("hash", "name"))              // false <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HGetAll("hash"))                      // map[] nil
	fmt.Println(client.HDel("hash", "name"))                 // 0 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HKeys("hash"))                        // [] <nil>

Example 9

Using the HIncr, HIncrBy, HIncrByFloat,HDecr, HDecrBy and HDecrByFloat commands to show how to increment and decrement hash fields' values.

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	fmt.Println(client.HSet("hash", "integer", "10"))       // true <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HSet("hash", "float", "5.5"))        // true <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.HIncr("hash", "integer"))            // 11 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HIncrBy("hash", "integer", 10))      // 21 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HDecrBy("hash", "integer", 5))       // 16 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HDecr("hash", "integer"))            // 15 <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.HIncrByFloat("hash", "float", 3.3))  // 8.8 <nil>
	fmt.Println(client.HDecrByFloat("hash", "float", 1.1))  // 7.7 <nil>

	fmt.Println(client.HDel("hash", "integer", "float"))    // 2 <nil>

Example 10

Can't find the command you want? You have full access to redigo's API.

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := xredis.DefaultClient()
	defer client.Close()

	connection := client.GetConnection()
	defer connection.Close()
