


SBT Deploy Plugin to easily deploy your project.

Notes. Bintray shutdown 01.05.2021

Please apply changes to project/plugins.sbt:

janalyse resolver


resolvers += "JAnalyse Repository" at "http://www.janalyse.fr/repository/"

new organization io.github.shmishleniy


addSbtPlugin("com.github.shmishleniy" % "sbt-deploy-ssh" % "0.1.x")


addSbtPlugin("io.github.shmishleniy" % "sbt-deploy-ssh" % "0.1.x")

Quick Start

Read documentation here below or check example project.

You will be able to deploy your project with deploy-ssh task.

Usage example: deploySsh yourServerName1 yourServerName2 ...

SBT's documentation on how to use plugins

Table of Contents


Add to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("io.github.shmishleniy" % "sbt-deploy-ssh" % "0.1.5")

Add import to your project build file

import deployssh.DeploySSH._

Enable plugin in your project. For example in your build.sbt

lazy val myProject = project.enablePlugins(DeploySSH)



You can specify configs that will be used for deployment.

You can use .conf files or set configs directly in project settings.

Allowed config fields:

name and host fields are mandatory

To set server configs in project settings use ServerConfig class and deployConfigs task key (see details below in Locations section)

case class ServerConfig
  ( name: String
  , host: String
  , user: Option[String] = None
  , password: Option[String] = None
  , passphrase: Option[String] = None
  , port: Option[Int] = None
  , sshDir: Option[String] = None
  , sshKeyFile: Option[String] = None

Example of the .conf

servers = [
 #connect to the server via `22` port and ssh key that located in `user.name/.ssh/` directory, user is current `user.name`
  name = "server_0"
  host = ""
 #connect to the server via `22` port and ssh key with name `id_a12` that located in `/tmp/.sshKeys/` directory, user is `ssh_test`
  name = "server_1"
  host = ""
  user = "ssh_test"
  sshDir = "/tmp/.sshKeys"
  sshKeyFile = "id_a12" #custom private key file name


There are four places where you can store your server config (All configs will be loaded and merged).

lazy val myProject = project.enablePlugins(DeploySSH).settings(
 //load build.conf from external path
 deployExternalConfigFiles ++= Seq("/home/myUser/Documents/build.conf"),
 //load build2.conf from `myProjectDir` and load build3.conf from `myProjectDir/project`
 deployResourceConfigFiles ++= Seq("build2.conf", "project/build3.conf"),
 //load build4.conf from user home directory (in example `/home/myUser/build4.conf`)
 deployHomeConfigFiles ++= Seq("build4.conf"),
 //configuration in project setttings
 deployConfigs ++= mySettings,
 deployConfigs ++= Seq(
  ServerConfig("server_6", ""),
  ServerConfig("server_7", "")

lazy val mySettings = Seq(
 ServerConfig("server_5", "")


Set artifacts to deploy

lazy val myProject = project.enablePlugins(DeploySSH).settings(
 version := "1.1",
 deployConfigs ++= Seq(
  ServerConfig("server_5", "")
 deployArtifacts ++= Seq(
  //`jar` file from `packageBin in Compile` task will be deployed to `/tmp/` directory
  ArtifactSSH((packageBin in Compile).value, "/tmp/"),
  //directory `stage` generated by `sbt-native-packager` will be deployed to `~/stage_1.1_release/` directory
  ArtifactSSH((stage in Universal).value), s"stage_${version.value}_release/")

Deploy execution for this config:

deploy-ssh server_5


deploySsh server_5

Execute scripts before/after deploy

Use deploySshExecBefore and deploySshExecAfter to execute any bash commands before and after deploy.

Any exception in deploySshExecBefore and deploySshExecAfter will abort deploy for all servers.

To skip deploy only for current server you should wrap exception to SkipDeployException.

For example stop and update and run your app, copy with scp needed application.conf depends on server name:

lazy val myProject = project.enablePlugins(DeploySSH).settings(
 deployConfigs ++= Seq(
  ServerConfig("server_5", "")
 deploySshExecBefore ++= Seq(
  (ssh: SSH) => {
   ssh.execOnce("touch pid")
   val pid = ssh.execOnceAndTrim("cat pid")
   if ("".equals(pid)) {
    //skip deploy to current server
    throw new SkipDeployException(new RuntimeException("missing pid"))
   ssh.execOnceAndTrim(s"kill $pid")
 deploySshExecAfter ++= Seq(
  (ssh: SSH) => {
   ssh.scp { scp =>
     scp.send(file(s"./src/main/resources/application-${ssh.options.name.get}.conf"), s"/home/app/application.conf")))
   ssh.execOnce("nohup ./myApp/run & echo $! > ~/pid")
   ssh.execOnce("touch pid")
   val pid = ssh.execOnceAndTrim("cat pid")
   if ("".equals(pid)) {
    //stop deploy to all servers
    throw new RuntimeException("missing pid. please check package")

Link to task

If you need execute deploy in your task you can use deploySshTask and deploySshServersNames to config args for deploySsh. Or cast deploySsh to task.

lazy val myProject = project.enablePlugins(DeploySSH).settings(
 deployConfigs ++= Seq(
  ServerConfig("server_5", ""),
  ServerConfig("server_6", "")
 deploySshServersNames ++= Seq("server_5", "server_6"),
 publishLocal := deploySshTask //or deploySsh.toTask(" server_5 server_6")

Start deploy

After confuguration you will be able to:

Start deploy procedure from sbt console with deploySsh input task:

deploySsh yourServerName1 yourServerName2 ...

Start deploy procedure from sbt console with deploySshTask task:

You should set deploySshServersNames list of server names that will be deployed and execute deploySshTask from console or link it to other task.

See example: "Link to task"