

ngx-modialog (previously angular2-modal)

This project is looking for a new maintainer, see #414 for details.

ngx-modialog version 5.x.x works with angular 5.x.x


Version 4.x.x contains some breaking changes, please see the CHANGELOG

Library has been renamed from version 3.0.2

Modal / Dialog implementation for angular.

    .title('Hello World')
    .body('In Angular')

Available plugins:


npm install ngx-modialog

Basic plunker playground (bootstrap plugin):

ngx-modialog @ 4.x.x


ngx-modialog @ 3.x.x


Quick start

In your application root module definition add ModalModule and the plugin you want to use:

We will use the bootstrap plugin (BootstrapModalModule) for this introduction.

import { ModalModule } from 'ngx-modialog';
import { BootstrapModalModule } from 'ngx-modialog/plugins/bootstrap';

// lots of code...

  bootstrap: [ /* ... */ ],
  declarations: [ /* ... */ ],
  imports: [
    /* ... */
export class AppModule { /* lots of code... */ }

In any angular component or service inject the Modal service and open a modal:

import { Component, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { Overlay } from 'ngx-modialog';
import { Modal } from 'ngx-modialog/plugins/bootstrap';

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `<button (click)="onClick()">Alert</button>`
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(public modal: Modal) { }

  onClick() {
    const dialogRef = this.modal.alert()
        .title('A simple Alert style modal window')
            <h4>Alert is a classic (title/body/footer) 1 button modal window that 
            does not block.</h4>
                <li>Non blocking (click anywhere outside to dismiss)</li>
                <li>Size large</li>
                <li>Dismissed with default keyboard key (ESC)</li>
                <li>Close wth button click</li>
                <li>HTML content</li>

        .then( result => alert(`The result is: ${result}`) );

If you are using ngx-modialog version 3.X.X or below, open() returned a promise so replace the last 2 lines with:

       .then( dialogRef => {
           dialogRef.result.then( result => alert(`The result is: ${result}`);

We are using the alert() method, one of 3 (prompt, confirm)) fluent-api methods we call drop-ins

We then use the result property to wait for the modal closing event.


Demo App

The Demo application is a full implementation of the library with the native plugins.

View it at shlomiassaf.github.io/ngx-modialog

The demo application is part of this repository and it is a great place to learn by example.

Bootstrap / VEX features:

The demo application comes with a dynamic modal generator for the Boostrap plugin


Plugins serve as a concrete UI implementation for a modal.

It can be an implementation for a known library (e.g: bootstrap) or something completely unique

While ngx-modialog has some built in plugins it is also possible to use external plugins from NPM, if someone decide to build one.

Built a plugin? I would love to know :)

Known bugs

The dialog closes when removing the target DOM element in a click event

ref issue#111

To avoid this problem use event.stopPropagation(); or put the element removal inside a setTimeout call


As a sole author I find it difficult to maintain multiple open source projects. As a result it is hard for me to replay rapidly to requests/help/etc...

If you would like to contribute, please contact me, the community will thank you.

You can contribute via:

Thank you!
