

Dependency Analyzer

Author: Shiz

Analyze dependencies and resolve obfuscated imports


Dependency Analyzer is a Binary Ninja plugin for analyzing module dependencies in a more in-depth fashion and recovering important information such as import names from metadata files.

Supported formats:

Current analyses:

It will try to find files in depanalyzer.path with the same basename of any of the dependencies, and analyze them if they match anything loadable by the plugin.

Symbol matching can done in three ways:

The current method is settable through depanalyzer.matching_method, globally and per-context. By default, and upon encountering a method that is inapplicable to the current binary, it will try to determine the best method automatically.

Installation Instructions

Drop it in your plugin folder and go!

Minimum Version

This plugin was tested with the following versions of Binary Ninja:

Required Dependencies



This plugin is released under an MIT license.

Metadata Version