

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions" target="_blank"> <img src="https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/272870557/ec55a100-a309-11eb-9d60-a922ed6bebd4" alt="Homebrew Tap for PHP extensions" width="560"> </a> </p> <div id="top"></div> <h1 align="center">brew tap shivammathur/extensions</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions" title="Homebrew tap for PHP extensions"> <img alt="Build status" src="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions/workflows/Update%20and%20Build%20Formulae/badge.svg"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions" title="Homebrew tap for PHP extensions"> <img alt="Build status" src="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions/workflows/Test%20Formulae/badge.svg"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions/blob/master/LICENSE" title="license"> <img alt="LICENSE" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-428f7e.svg?logo=open%20source%20initiative&logoColor=white&labelColor=555555"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions/tree/master/Formula" title="Formulae for PHP extensions"> <img alt="PHP Versions Supported" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/php-5.6%20to%208.4-777bb3.svg?logo=php&logoColor=white&labelColor=555555"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions#os-support" title="Linux x86_64 supported"> <img alt="Linux architectures supported" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Linux-x86__64%20-f6ab01?logo=linux&logoColor=555555&labelColor=ffffff"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions#os-support" title="Apple Intel x86_64 supported"> <img alt="macOS architectures supported" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/macOS-Intel%20x86__64%20-007DC3?logo=apple&logoColor=555555&labelColor=ffffff"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-extensions#os-support" title="Apple arm64 supported"> <img alt="macOS architectures supported" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/macOS-Apple%20arm64%20-c0476d?logo=apple&logoColor=555555&labelColor=ffffff"> </a> </p>


ExtensionPHP Version
amqpPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
apcuPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
astPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.4
couchbasePHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
dsPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.4
eventPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
expectPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
gearmanPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
gnupgPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
grpcPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
igbinaryPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
imagickPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
imapPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
luaPHP 5.6 to PHP 7.4
mailparsePHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
mcryptPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
memcachePHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
memcachedPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
mongodbPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
msgpackPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
newrelicPHP 7.4 to PHP 8.4
opentelemetryPHP 8.0 to PHP 8.4
pcovPHP 7.1 to PHP 8.4
pdo_sqlsrvPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.4
pecl_httpPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
phalcon3PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.3
phalcon4PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4
phalcon5PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.3
proproPHP 5.6 to PHP 7.4
protobufPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
psrPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
raphfPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
rdkafkaPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
redisPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
snmpPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
sqlsrvPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.4
ssh2PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
swoolePHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
uuidPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
v8jsPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.3
vipsPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.4
vldPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.3
xdebugPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
xdebug2PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4
xlswriterPHP 7.0 to PHP 8.4
yamlPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4
zmqPHP 5.6 to PHP 8.4

OS Support

Operating SystemArchitecture
macOS Montereyx86_64, arm64
macOS Venturax86_64, arm64
macOS Sonomax86_64, arm64



brew update
php -v
brew tap shivammathur/php
brew install shivammathur/php/php@8.3
brew link --force --overwrite shivammathur/php/php@8.3

Refer to shivammathur/php tap for more information about installing PHP.

Install PHP Extensions

brew tap shivammathur/extensions
brew install shivammathur/extensions/xdebug@8.3

Upgrade extensions

brew upgrade shivammathur/extensions/xdebug@8.3

Restart your webserver

If you are using Apache or Nginx with php-fpm, restart your webserver after installing or updating any PHP extensions.

brew services restart httpd
brew services restart nginx


sudo chown -R "$(id -un)":"$(id -gn)" $(brew --prefix)


The code in this project is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the license file for more information. This project has multiple dependencies. Their licenses can be found in their respective repositories.


Contributions are welcome! Please see Contributor's Guide before you start. If you face any issues while using this tap or want to suggest a feature/improvement, create a discussion thread here.


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