

Redux demo with NativeScript + JavaScript Project

This project shows how you can use Redux with plain JavaScript {N} (or even with TS)

Additional info coming soon.


Clone the Repo

git clone https://github.com/vakrilov/ngrx-devtools-nativescript.git ./reduxDemo

Update the hardcoded local IP address

Goto app/state/store.js and change the hostname to your computer’s local IP address (assuming you’ll connect to a android/ios device over USB debugging)

In package.json, in the script section, change the IP address of the script to your computer's IP address

Start the local remotedev server

Run npm run remotedev to start the dev server
then on a browser visit <your ip address>:8000 to access the redux remote console console!

Finally run the app

Run the app using, tns run android or tns run ios

If everything went right, you'll see that your app connects to remotedev console!

Redux data flow
