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Rash is an extension to Hashie ( http://github.com/hashie/hashie ).

Rash subclasses Hashie::Mash to convert all keys in the hash to underscore.

The purpose of this is when working w/ Java (or any other apis) that return hashes (including nested) that have camelCased keys.

You will now be able to access those keys through underscored key names (camelCase still available).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rash_alt', require: 'rash'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rash_alt


@rash = Hashie::Mash::Rash.new({
  "varOne" => 1,
  "two" => 2,
  :three => 3,
  :varFour => 4,
  "fiveHumpHumps" => 5,
  :nested => {
    "NestedOne" => "One",
    :two => "two",
    "nested_three" => "three"
  "nestedTwo" => {
    "nested_two" => 22,
    :nestedThree => 23

@rash.var_one                 # => 1
@rash.two                     # => 2
@rash.three                   # => 3
@rash.var_four                # => 4
@rash.five_hump_humps         # => 5
@rash.nested.nested_one       # => "One"
@rash.nested.two              # => "two"
@rash.nested.nested_three     # => "three"
@rash.nested_two.nested_two   # => 22
@rash.nested_two.nested_three # => 23

Known Issue

You may have Hashie's warnings like this

WARN -- : You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method Hashie::Mash::Rash#varOne defined in Hashie::Mash::Rash. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method.

if you want to disable this, use disable_warnings


Note on Patches/Pull Requests

