

Shire Demo project

Shire offers a straightforward AI Coding Agent Language that enables communication between an LLM and control IDE for automated programming.


Getting Started

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA MarketPlace, search Shire and install it.

  1. Create a new Shire file, and copy the code from .shire/api/design/design-rest-api.shire to the new file.
name: "Design RESTful API"
  "story": /any/ { thread(".shire/shell/dify-epic-story.curl.sh") | jsonpath("$.answer", true) }
onStreamingEnd: { parseCode | saveFile("docs/api.yml") | openFile }

You are a senior developer, designing a RESTful API according to the user story.

User Story:


Please design the RESTful API according to the user story using Swagger format and return the designed API.
  1. Click Run Icon to start Shire.

  1. Shire will auto run and show the result in the view.


approvalExecute function

See in: .shire/approve/approve.shire

showWebView function

React demo see in .shire/frontend/react-mock-up.shire

mock function


openFile function

Mermaid See in: .shire/toolchain/mermaid.shire


This code is distributed under the MPL 2.0 license. See LICENSE in this directory.