

Composer dependency analyser


ProjectDead<br/>dependencyShadow<br/>dependencyMisplaced<br/>in requireMisplaced<br/> in require-devTime*
maglnet/<br/>composer-require-checkerβŒβœ…βŒβŒ124 secs
icanhazstring/<br/>composer-unusedβœ…βŒβŒβŒ72 secs
shipmonk/<br/>composer-dependency-analyserβœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…2 secs

<sup><sub>*Time measured on codebase with ~15 000 files</sub></sup>


composer require --dev shipmonk/composer-dependency-analyser

Note that this package itself has zero composer dependencies.



Example output:

Found shadow dependencies!
(those are used, but not listed as dependency in composer.json)

  β€’ nette/utils
    e.g. Nette\Utils\Strings in app/Controller/ProductController.php:24 (+ 6 more)

Found unused dependencies!
(those are listed in composer.json, but no usage was found in scanned paths)

  β€’ nette/utils

(scanned 13970 files in 2.297 s)

Detected issues:

This tool reads your composer.json and scans all paths listed in autoload & autoload-dev sections while analysing:

Shadowed dependencies

Unused dependencies

Dev dependencies in production code

Prod dependencies used only in dev paths

Unknown classes

Unknown functions

Cli options:


When a file named composer-dependency-analyser.php is located in cwd, it gets loaded automatically. The file must return ShipMonk\ComposerDependencyAnalyser\Config\Configuration object. You can use custom path and filename via --config cli option. Here is example of what you can do:


use ShipMonk\ComposerDependencyAnalyser\Config\Configuration;
use ShipMonk\ComposerDependencyAnalyser\Config\ErrorType;

$config = new Configuration();

return $config
     //// Adjusting scanned paths
    ->addPathToScan(__DIR__ . '/build', isDev: false)
    ->addPathToExclude(__DIR__ . '/samples')
    ->disableComposerAutoloadPathScan() // disable automatic scan of autoload & autoload-dev paths from composer.json
    ->setFileExtensions(['php']) // applies only to directory scanning, not directly listed files

    //// Ignoring errors
    ->ignoreErrorsOnPath(__DIR__ . '/cache/DIC.php', [ErrorType::SHADOW_DEPENDENCY])
    ->ignoreErrorsOnPackage('symfony/polyfill-php73', [ErrorType::UNUSED_DEPENDENCY])
    ->ignoreErrorsOnPackageAndPath('symfony/console', __DIR__ . '/src/OptionalCommand.php', [ErrorType::SHADOW_DEPENDENCY])

    //// Ignoring unknown symbols

    //// Adjust analysis
    ->enableAnalysisOfUnusedDevDependencies() // dev packages are often used only in CI, so this is not enabled by default
    ->disableReportingUnmatchedIgnores() // do not report ignores that never matched any error

    //// Use symbols from yaml/xml/neon files
    // - designed for DIC config files (see below)
    // - beware that those are not validated and do not even trigger unknown class error

All paths are expected to exist. If you need some glob functionality, you can do it in your config file and pass the expanded list to e.g. ignoreErrorsOnPaths.

Detecting classes from non-php files:

Some classes might be used only in your DIC config files. Here is a simple way to extract those:

$classNameRegex = '[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*'; // https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.basic.php
$dicFileContents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/config/services.yaml');

    "~$classNameRegex(?:\\\\$classNameRegex)+~", // at least one backslash
); // or parse the yaml properly

$config->addForceUsedSymbols($matches[1]); // possibly filter by class_exists || interface_exists

Similar approach should help you to avoid false positives in unused dependencies. Another approach for DIC-only usages is to scan the generated php file, but that gave us worse results.

Scanning codebase located elsewhere:

Disable colored output:

NO_COLOR=1 vendor/bin/composer-dependency-analyser



Supported PHP versions