

Faster R-CNN with model pretrained on Visual Genome

Faster RCNN model in Pytorch version, pretrained on the Visual Genome with ResNet 101


we provide


we use the same setting and benchmark as faster-rcnn.pytorch. The results of the model are shown below.

model  dataset#GPUsbatch sizelr      lr_decaymax_epoch    mAP
Res-101  Visual Genome1 1080TI4  1e-35  2010.19

Download the pretrained model and put it to the folder $load_dir.




Clone the code

git clone https://github.com/shilrley6/Faster-R-CNN-with-model-pretrained-on-Visual-Genome.git

Pretrained image model

Download the pretrained VGG16 and ResNet101 models according to your requirement, which are provided by faster-rcnn.pytorch.

Then put them into the path 'data/pretrained_model/'.


Install all the python dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile the cuda dependencies using following simple commands:

cd lib
python setup.py build develop

Pycocotools (Optional)

If you didn't install COCO API before, you are supposed to follow the following steps.

cd data
git clone https://github.com/pdollar/coco.git
cd coco/PythonAPI

Data processing

Generate tsv

Run generate_tsv.py to extract features of image regions. The output file format will be a tsv, where the columns are ['image_id', 'image_w', 'image_h', 'num_boxes', 'boxes', 'features'].

python generate_tsv.py --net res101 --dataset vg  \
                       --out $out_file --cuda

Change the parameter $load_dir (the path to the model, default is 'models') to adapt your environment.

PS. If you download other pretrained models, you can rename the model as 'faster_rcnn_$net_$dataset.pth' and modify the parameter $net and $dataset.

Convert data

Run convert_data.py to convert the above output to a numpy array. The output file format will be a npy, including image region features.

python convert_data.py --imgid_list $imgid_list  \
                       --input_file $input_file --output_file $output_file

The ' $imgid_list is a list of image ids, the format of which is 'txt'.


You can use this function to show object detections on demo images with a pre-trained model by running:

python demo.py --net res101 --dataset vg \
               --load_dir $load_dir --cuda

You can also add images to the folder 'images' and change the parameter $image_file.

Below are some detection results:

<div style = 'color:#0000FF' align = 'center'> <img src = 'images/img3_result.png' width = '430'/> <img src = 'images/img4_result.png' width = '430'/> </div>

PS. If you download other pretrained models, you can rename the model as 'faster_rcnn_$net_$dataset.pth' and modify the parameter $net and $dataset.


Thanks to 'bottom-up-attention' and faster-rcnn.pytorch.