This is my zsh theme. i mishmashed a few together with the kali one. I like is because it gives me the key info and when copying out commands for testing notes I can get the time and date aswell
I use this on Kali - no clue how it plays ball on other distros.. i would assmume u may be alrght
- take a backup of you .zshrc file you likely wont need this but always good idea to take a backup
cp /root/.zshrc /root/.zshrc.bak
- open up .zshrc in a text editor
subl /root/.zshrc
find the configure_prompt function and comment out the PROMPT variable within the twoline case
On the line below paste in the code from prompt.txt
If your primiary interface is not eth0 then change it
- Save and close. Open up a new terminal tab and you should have a new snazzy prompt.
I will put out a few variants/different colours when i can be botherd. im thinking green and yellow