


Handle dynamic lists of Cycle.js components with ease.

Differences from @cycle/collection:


npm install cycle-lot

Create a collection

Let's assume we have a component named Item with following sinks:

interface ItemSinks {
  dom: xs<VNode>
  http: xs<RequestOptions>
  remove$: xs<any>

You can choose any stream in your sinks to trigger component's removal. Here we use a special remove$ stream for clarity.

import {Lot} from "cycle-lot"

Alternatively you can import Collection which is just an alias.

You can also import pickMerge and pickCombine functions, however you probably won't need them.

Here's how you use cycle-lot:

function MyComponent(sources) {
  // ...

  /** Add a new item every second */
  const item_sources$ = xs
    .periodic(1000) //
      // whatever sources Item requires
      dom: sources.dom,
      item: {}

  // item_sources$ could also emit arrays of sources to simultaneously add multiple items

  const lot = Lot(Item, item_sources$, "remove$")

  lot.combine.dom // xs<VNode[]>
  lot.merge.http // xs<RequestOptions>

  // ...

In case it got you curious, cycle-lot doesn't merge and combine all available sink streams. Instead it uses proxies under the hood to provide getter-like functionality. In fact, nothing gets merged or combined unless you use it in your code. Repeated usage of the same getter will return the same stream object.