

Translation of VIP Cheatsheets


This repository aims at collaboratively translating our Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence cheatsheets into a ton of languages, so that this content can be enjoyed by anyone from any part of the world!

Contribution guidelines

The translation process of each cheatsheet contains two steps:


  1. Check for existing pull requests to see which cheatsheet is yet to be translated.

  2. Fork the repository.

  3. Copy the template of the cheatsheet you wish to translate into the language folder with a naming that follows the ISO 639-1 notation (e.g. [es] for Spanish, [zh] for Mandarin Chinese).

  4. Translate sentences by keeping the following structure:

  1. English blabla

⟶ Translated blabla

  1. Commit the changes to your forked repository.

  2. Submit a pull request and call it [language code] file-name. For example, the PR related to the translation in Spanish of the template/cs-229-deep-learning.md cheatsheet will be entitled [es] cs-229-deep-learning.


  1. Go to the list of pull requests and filter them by your native language.

  2. Locate pull requests where help is needed. Those contain the tag reviewer wanted.

  3. Review the content line per line and add comments and suggestions when necessary.

Important note

Please make sure to propose the translation of only one cheatsheet per pull request -- it simplifies a lot the review process.


CS 221 (Artificial Intelligence)

Reflex modelsStates modelsVariables modelsLogic models
Deutschnot startednot startednot startednot started
Españolnot startednot startednot startednot started
فارسیin progressnot startednot startednot started
עִבְרִיתnot startednot startednot startednot started
Italianonot startednot startednot startednot started
日本語not startednot startednot startednot started
한국어not startednot startednot startednot started
Portuguêsnot startednot startednot startednot started
Русскийin progressin progressin progressin progress
Tiếng Việtnot startednot startednot starteddone
简体中文not startednot startednot startednot started
繁體中文not startednot startednot startednot started

CS 229 (Machine Learning)

Deep learningSupervisedUnsupervisedML tipsProbabilitiesAlgebra
Catalànot startednot startednot startedin progressin progressin progress
Deutschdonenot startednot startedin progressnot startedin progress
Ελληνικάnot startednot startednot startedin progressnot startednot started
Eestinot startednot startednot starteddonenot startednot started
Suomiin progressnot startednot startednot startednot startednot started
עִבְרִיתin progressnot startednot startednot startednot startednot started
हिन्दीin progressin progressnot startedin progressnot startednot started
Magyarin progressin progressin progressin progressin progressin progress
Bahasa Indonesiain progressnot startedin progressnot starteddonedone
Italianoin progressin progressnot startednot starteddonedone
Polskiin progressin progressnot startedin progressin progressnot started
Русскийin progressin progressin progressin progressin progressin progress
Українськаnot startednot startednot startednot starteddonein progress
Tiếng Việtdonedonedonedonedonedone
简体中文in progressdonein progressin progressin progressin progress

CS 230 (Deep Learning)

Convolutional Neural NetworksRecurrent Neural NetworksDeep Learning tips
العَرَبِيَّةnot startednot startednot started
Catalànot startednot startednot started
Deutschnot startednot startednot started
Españolnot startednot startedin progress
Suominot startednot startednot started
עִבְרִיתnot startednot startednot started
हिन्दीnot startednot startednot started
Magyarnot startednot startednot started
Bahasa Indonesiadonein progressin progress
Italianonot startednot startednot started
한국어donein progressin progress
Polskinot startednot startednot started
Portuguêsdonenot startednot started
Русскийin progressin progressin progress
Українськаnot startednot startednot started
Tiếng Việtdonedonedone
简体中文in progressin progressnot started
繁體中文donenot startednot started


Thank you everyone for your help! Please do not forget to add your name to the CONTRIBUTORS file so that we can give you proper credit in the cheatsheets' official website.