<div align="center"> <img src="src/static/assets/logo.svg?sanitize=true" width="160" height="160" alt="logo"> <h1>Context.Reviews</h1> </div>Context.Reviews is a site designed to help you learn Japanese using the native materials you already read. It records your searches with a browser extension for you to access again later to export to an Anki deck.
Anki decks can be created by simply selecting the word from the sentence you want to study, then clicking "Add Card" and choosing if you want the word to be presented by itself or in context on the front of the card.
The site pairs great with reading ebooks and sites online where looking up entire sentences can be done without typing the entire sentence manually. If you search for sentences or parts of sentences you can export your phrases with your word included in context!
Check out Context.Reviews for more information!
If you read ebooks that don't let you copy selected text directly but instead only offer to search for the text on, you can use this other Firefox extension I made to automatically redirect all searches to Jisho.
The Old Days
The original version of Context.Reviews had no user logins, no dictionary search, and no Anki export wizard. It was just the phrase list! I used this for a while just casually reviewing the list the next day and deleting things from it.
Before the Anki export wizard was added there was a "review mode" where the "Delete" button on a phrase would be changed to "Hide" and you'd just read through the list hiding sentences you could read completely, leaving ones you still needed to review visible, selecting the unknown words to review their definitions if you needed a reminder.